Drove through what thought was mud on the last day I drove my GTS before putting it away for the Winter. Didn't bother cleaning it off at the time since my extensive to/do list including a thorough cleaning of the underside. Well it turns out it wasn't mud. Not sure what it is. It's a light beige off white colour. I'm thinking it may have been line paint as I was in front of a construction site for a highway extension project.
I have tried soap and water, Simple Green, Fantastic, Varsol and Goo Gone. Nothing touches it. Yesterday I tried Lacquer Thinner on the spots on the underside of the side sill and it did remove the spots. It also made the finish dull.
I took a Q-tip and carefully dabbed a spot with Thinner and it softened it so that I could remove it with my fingernail. What the Thinner dried it went hard again. This process also leaves spots.
Anyone have any ideas on what product or process may work without damaging the clear coat?