Late to the party, but I'm in - looking forward to this one!
Late to the party, but I'm in - looking forward to this one!
Alright you awesome people, we are drawing closer to the event and need to finalize all of the entries… We have parking for 18 Vipers and I think we are there. I will post more event details in the coming days and will work with Ed to get your full names (needed for the Kindness Dream Ride registration when you arrive at the High School so you can be paired with the children) and your email address.
This will be one to remember!
You know I'm there...and bringing lots of help lol! Shoot me a text for whatever you need.
Everyone who is registered for the Dream Ride should have received a Driver Email from Please take some time to read it as it should have all the information you are looking for in it. The VOA has its own section at the show and all spots are full!
Thanks for your participation! We are less than one month out!
Got mine too! This is going to be awesome! Can't believe we're almost in June.
Excellent, got mine too. Are we going to cruise in together? How many of us are there? Super stoked for this.
Received mine too. Can't wait for this. Gonna be an awesome event!!!!!
HI all...we are all lined up together no matter when you arrive at the show portion after the parade section. There is a full section just for us. They have put an incredible amount of planning and logistics into the show to ensure a wonderful event. I'm not sure if I'm going to stay with family in Danbury the night before or drive down from home. Maybe we could start a small caravan post here of where everyone is coming from and make some meeting points along the way. I'm either coming from the RT 7 near by Stew's in Danbury of down 84 west from Hartford.
I'll be coming from Armonk, and live literally 2 minutes off of exit 3 on Rt. 684. Will have to check with my gps, but I'll be going north on 684 to get there. Let's get a conversation going about where we are all going to meet and at what time. Maybe anyone coming by my way, we could plan to meet right around there somewhere and head off to meet the rest of the group on the way a bit further North? This event is really just around the corner now!
I'm happy to meet up anywhere on I-84. Newton is short ride for me so I don't mind driving up to the border to meet up. The more the merrier.
Just to help out:
Coming from the NY/NJ area, up 684 to 84?:
From Mass, down 91 or 84 West:
95 South and up Rt 8 or 25:
I will see what I can find as a good local spot outside of Newtown or close to the show for everyone to meet and try and roll to the parade start together. I'm sure Steve knows a good in town spot to meet as well. I will shoot him a text and see.
Mr. T, maybe I will meet you somewhere. Will confirm as it gets closer.
Hey Steve,
Count me in if there's room.
Julie and I didn't get a registration email. What should we do now?
Thanks Steve, I have it now.
Talked to my couple friends who are news anchors at Verizon 1 and Cablevision, and they are both supposedly now getting news crews to come up to cover the event. Figured any extra press could only be good for the event, and maybe some of us will see our cars on TV.
Looking forward to this! My wife who never comes to any car events with me may actually come to this one and bring my 2 little boys. Should be a good time!
This will be a very kid friendly event. Your boys should have a very good time!
Aaron, no problem on the news crew, please let them know they should setup along the parade route that was in your driver email. They will not be allowed into the high school parking lot and there is zero room left at the Stop & Shop lot.
Glad there is a chance your wife and kids will come. They will have a great time with all the events going on.
Dennis, I've held off responding in the hopes that someone would cancel so you can have a spot. We are literally jam packed and have no spots left. Can I put you on the wait list in case someone cancels closer to the show?
Roebear has graciously offered his spot to you for the whole day! Will work better for him not to be in CT that day. Let me know if you would like in!
If the spot is available I will take it!
Yes, Still available. You are the last filled spot.
Can you PM me your last name for registration purposes as well as your email address so I can send you the driver email information.
Helo Steve, happy to report that my wife and boys will be coming to the show that day! This will be the first event that my wife is going to in 3 years, and only the scond car show she has ever been to. She isn't exactly a car person to say the least, but my 3 year old boy LOVES this stuff.
So assuming the weather is going to hold out in the first half of the day, do we know where everyone is coming from so we can figure out a few meeting points and times on the way there? Should figure out who is coming from which direction and have meeting spots from each direction so we can all have fun group drives for most of the way there, and then we can all meet up at a central location as we get closer to the event.
Thoughts anyone???