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  1. #1

    Gen 3 alarm issue

    Need some help. I have a 2004 that keeps setting alarm off at any given time when set to lock. It starts going off at night when stored indoors locked up where nothing can be opened and even replaced battery today after reading about low battery causing problems with others. Any help you can give I would appreciate. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    Check your hood switch. Good luck.

  3. #3
    I did, checked hood, trunk and door switches, couldn't find anything wrong with any of the switches. Thanks thou

  4. #4
    Is your hood aligned perfectly so that the hood switch can't accidentally pop up? If all of the switches are OK, it's more than likely a short in the wiring or a loose connection somewhere. Have fun with that! lol

    Just another thing to throw out there. I don't recall seeing it setting off the alarm in past instances, but check your battery. I have never seen a car that can start doing so many off the wall things just because the battery is a little low or has something going on with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I had the same issue, at certain times I noticed that when driving I had seen the trunk light flicker briefly. I had tried two things which seem to help I put a small rubber stopper (like the one under furniture legs) on the hood so It could hit the hood switch. The second is the trunk alignment.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    I'm still betting on the hood switch adjustment ... Try setting the alarm, waiting a minute or two, and then press up and down on the hood near the switch area. I don't seem to recall even seeing a trunk switch or light on my vert??

    Quote Originally Posted by Longhornsmark View Post
    I did, checked hood, trunk and door switches, couldn't find anything wrong with any of the switches. Thanks thou
    Last edited by Rocket; 11-20-2013 at 03:08 PM.

  7. #7
    put some tape (layers) on top of the hood switch and check again...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Westfield, IN
    Quote Originally Posted by Longhornsmark View Post
    Need some help. I have a 2004 that keeps setting alarm off at any given time when set to lock. It starts going off at night when stored indoors locked up where nothing can be opened and even replaced battery today after reading about low battery causing problems with others. Any help you can give I would appreciate. Thanks
    Bet it scared the crap out of you the first time or so when it happened

  9. #9
    It's pretty spooky because it's always at or after midnight to 4 in the morning, I don't lock it anymore while at home in the garage but when we come to houston on weekdays we have too. It's been good most of the week then did it again at 1 this morning, surveillance cameras don't show any lights or anything coming on before horn and lights start going off. Checked all switches again and all seem fine. Not sure where to start now



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