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Thread: Cat removal?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Apex, N.C.
    Sybil, I have a 98 rt/10 with oem exhaust system. The sills were so hot that many times I got my burned getting out of the car. Replaced the system with corsa and ceramic cats. The ceramic cats only get a little warm, and you can keep your hands on them or rub your leg on them.

  2. #52
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    Apex, N.C.
    You might want to weld the pipes together. The pipes could be leaking. I had to weld my corsa exhaust pipes in four places. Using the clamps was not got enough, getting a lot of exhaust smell into the cabin. Now, no smell at all.

  3. #53
    Mine don't leak, tested before reinstalling the sills. Not near as hot with the hi-flows but don't like the heat on those sills since I had them repainted. Almost every shop uses water based paint now...

  4. #54
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    Dec 2013
    My '97 Paxton car is catless with M&M headers, and full header back 3" Borla Exhaust.

    I'm the last one to care about smells, but with the windows down, it can get a little rough. After about 30 minutes my eyes burn a little bit and my wife will hardly ride in it anymore cus we smell like a gas can when we get out

    With that being said, you just have to decide what you want with your car. If you want it loud and obnoxious, and don't DD it, then go for it. If you primarily cruise the car, and don't mind losing a little sound and a few ponies, keep HF Cats.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by ZZ SRT View Post
    My '97 Paxton car is catless with M&M headers, and full header back 3" Borla Exhaust.

    I'm the last one to care about smells, but with the windows down, it can get a little rough. After about 30 minutes my eyes burn a little bit and my wife will hardly ride in it anymore cus we smell like a gas can when we get out

    With that being said, you just have to decide what you want with your car. If you want it loud and obnoxious, and don't DD it, then go for it. If you primarily cruise the car, and don't mind losing a little sound and a few ponies, keep HF Cats.
    I don't get how the smell can come in the cabin on a rear exit exhaust unless those flaps in the back are stuck open.

  6. #56
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sybil TF View Post
    I don't get how the smell can come in the cabin on a rear exit exhaust unless those flaps in the back are stuck open.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZZ SRT View Post
    My '97 Paxton car is catless with M&M headers, and full header back 3" Borla Exhaust.

    I'm the last one to care about smells, but with the windows down, it can get a little rough. After about 30 minutes my eyes burn a little bit and my wife will hardly ride in it anymore cus we smell like a gas can when we get out

    With that being said, you just have to decide what you want with your car. If you want it loud and obnoxious, and don't DD it, then go for it. If you primarily cruise the car, and don't mind losing a little sound and a few ponies, keep HF Cats.
    Read original comment more closely. I don't close the windows on my Viper very often.

  7. #57
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    North Carolina
    ZZ, have you checked for exhaust leaks? Even with windows down, you shouldn't be getting gassed out of your Viper.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by ZZ SRT View Post
    Read original comment more closely. I don't close the windows on my Viper very often.
    Yes I get your point but you are missing mine. Physics still doesn't make sense either way unless it is coming in those flaps or there is some leak in your system up front as C.J. has suggested.
    Last edited by Sybil TF; 01-22-2015 at 11:06 AM.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by ZZ SRT View Post
    Read original comment more closely. I don't close the windows on my Viper very often.
    If you smell like gas its running WAY TOO RICH..

  10. #60
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Dajerseyviper View Post
    If you smell like gas its running WAY TOO RICH..
    uhh... no. It's idling at 15.XX AFR at idle. Sometimes even 16 which is pretty normal for these cars.

  11. #61
    Not at idle, but the off throttle AFR, sometimes referred to as Deceleration fuel. When you come off throttle there will be a temporarily rich condition, it is exaggerated when you have a boosted car with additional fuel needed (10.8- 11.5 AFR's) . Some aftermarket computers will allow you to trim it, but it takes a good amount of time and road tuning to get it right.

    What are your AFR's cruising at part throttle no under boost, especially from 2000-3500 rpms? Just curious.. Mostly when you smell stinky car smells its par for the course with a highly modified car like that..

    My 67 Camaro made my clothes and hair stink like fuel, no matter how much tuning I did, it just stunk. It did get a little better to the point my eyes didn't tear, when I put a smaller cam and smaller carb in it.

    I am still on the fence about deleting my cats and keeping a stock exhaust, or keeping stock cats and putting on an aftermarket exhaust..I just want a little more growl from my car. It sounds too quiet for me right now.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Dajerseyviper View Post
    Not at idle, but the off throttle AFR, sometimes referred to as Deceleration fuel. When you come off throttle there will be a temporarily rich condition, it is exaggerated when you have a boosted car with additional fuel needed (10.8- 11.5 AFR's) . Some aftermarket computers will allow you to trim it, but it takes a good amount of time and road tuning to get it right.

    What are your AFR's cruising at part throttle no under boost, especially from 2000-3500 rpms? Just curious.. Mostly when you smell stinky car smells its par for the course with a highly modified car like that..

    My 67 Camaro made my clothes and hair stink like fuel, no matter how much tuning I did, it just stunk. It did get a little better to the point my eyes didn't tear, when I put a smaller cam and smaller carb in it.

    I am still on the fence about deleting my cats and keeping a stock exhaust, or keeping stock cats and putting on an aftermarket exhaust..I just want a little more growl from my car. It sounds too quiet for me right now.
    How does the smell get in the cabin? On a Viper I can see with the vent flaps on the rear or a side exit exhaust but on a Camaro I don't get it? Did you smell it when you were driving?

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Sybil TF View Post
    How does the smell get in the cabin? On a Viper I can see with the vent flaps on the rear or a side exit exhaust but on a Camaro I don't get it? Did you smell it when you were driving?
    I dont know, it was a 67 Camaro and far from a street car, but that is all in the interpretation ;-) The car burned race gas and just plain smelled.. Im assuming the smell on the viper is coming from the engine bay,header/collector area and possibly coming in the fresh air vents for the heating and A/C system? Or there is some weird wind vortex that the viper creates where it sucks the exhaust fumes onto the cabin? Really dont know.. Like I said its par for the course when driving a "Hot Rod"..I had a 49 Chevy truck that was done up rat rod style, with a crank opened front window...The engine fumes would come right in and literally bring me to tears driving it..But god it was fun to drive..LOL

    On the viper I would suspect an exhaust leak prior to your drivers door, most likely at the headers,possibly a bad gasket or the headers need tightening. You are supposed to check the bolts every so often. Check that and check where the headers merge to the exhaust for slight leaks.

    Last edited by Dajerseyviper; 01-24-2015 at 09:50 AM.

  14. #64
    Nice Camaro! You sold it I guess? Reason I ask is we have had a few corvettes(yuck) and Trans-Ams with no cats and big engines. No smell
    Last edited by Sybil TF; 01-24-2015 at 04:55 PM.

  15. #65
    So I still have my Cat delete pipes sitting in the box and am up in the air on installing them. I had my rear O2's shut off in my SCT tune just in case. But Im not sure what would yield more power and a better sound quality, removing the cats or installing a Borla 2 muffler system with the stock cats still on.

    What is the general consensus?

  16. #66
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Dajerseyviper View Post
    So I still have my Cat delete pipes sitting in the box and am up in the air on installing them. I had my rear O2's shut off in my SCT tune just in case. But Im not sure what would yield more power and a better sound quality, removing the cats or installing a Borla 2 muffler system with the stock cats still on.

    What is the general consensus?
    What does your state do for emissions testing?

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Dajerseyviper View Post
    So I still have my Cat delete pipes sitting in the box and am up in the air on installing them. I had my rear O2's shut off in my SCT tune just in case. But Im not sure what would yield more power and a better sound quality, removing the cats or installing a Borla 2 muffler system with the stock cats still on.

    What is the general consensus?
    The stock cats are terrible.They get really hot as you know.Get some Hi-flows if possible if you can.

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by C.J View Post
    What does your state do for emissions testing?
    I could give a shit less about that, I dont bother inspecting my hot rods. I scrape the sticker off and take the chance.

  19. #69
    I just decided to remove my cats today and when I took off the side sills I was surprised to see that the cats had begun to melt the heat insulation..This is the type of stuff that causes fires and sends vipers to the snake pit in the sky...Such a poor design IMO to put a red hot converter sealed in a body panel and in direct contact with isulation, where no air can get over it to cool it..
    Attached Images Attached Images

  20. #70
    Bought these yesterday at O'Reilly's. 1 box comes with 2 so bought 2 boxes. They say you need 2 per side. Old man got to drill something today

    One step closer to cat removal...
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Sybil TF; 05-03-2015 at 01:48 PM.

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Sybil TF View Post
    Bought these yesterday at O'Reilly's. 1 box comes with 2 so bought 2 boxes. They say you need 2 per side. Old man got to drill something today

    One step closer to cat removal...
    That's the way you do it...

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Dajerseyviper View Post
    So I still have my Cat delete pipes sitting in the box and am up in the air on installing them. I had my rear O2's shut off in my SCT tune just in case. But Im not sure what would yield more power and a better sound quality, removing the cats or installing a Borla 2 muffler system with the stock cats still on.

    What is the general consensus?
    Do both...there is a pa guy with the borla system, no cats, car sounds great. I agree with your comment on the stock catss, mine did the same thing. Now the sills are barely warm after a drive (no cats/B&B).

  23. #73
    Oops, old(er)thread, so what did you end up doing?

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by JerseyGTS View Post
    Oops, old(er)thread, so what did you end up doing?
    cutting the cats off.. Sounds better.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Dajerseyviper View Post
    cutting the cats off.. Sounds better.
    Any obnoxious smell in the car?

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