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  1. #1

    Nav and head unit install. 97 GTS

    I finally had a chance to get the old stereo out and put in the new one. My buddy who is a wiring guru came over to give me a hand. This is a full GPS Nav, DVD, MP everything, Bluetooth, USB etc etc unit. Install was pretty simple and the hands free for the phone is VERY nice as no way I'd hear a call otherwise LOL!

    I got the unit for just under $300 with shipping. This was a MAJOR upgrade from the unit which was in the car.
    The old:

    Last edited by MalingatorGTS; 12-19-2014 at 02:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Pretty cool, I need this...

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Franktown, CO
    Looks good! Doesn't appear that too much dash surgery was in order, how about brackets and connections in the back? Any major troubles, or mostly plug/pray?

    How about the stereo, enough power to allow tunes over the roar of the engine? Also, is the GPS unit up to date and does it come with updates??


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue96GTS View Post
    Looks good! Doesn't appear that too much dash surgery was in order, how about brackets and connections in the back? Any major troubles, or mostly plug/pray?

    How about the stereo, enough power to allow tunes over the roar of the engine? Also, is the GPS unit up to date and does it come with updates??

    It was really plug and play. There was another aftermarket unit in the car already so there was a nice bracket we could already use. Wired right up to the factory amp zero issues.

    The stereo and phone etc are PLENTY loud to hear over the motor. There are aftermarket front speakers which are a big help as well. The dash surgery was minor, just had to make the two slits to allow the screen rails to come out before the screen pops up.

    The GPS seems up to date but I haven't really put it to much use with New England weather and summer tires. There is a way to update, but I haven't bothered to read that part of the manual as of yet. For the price, couldn't go wrong....well could if it didn't work of sounded like ass!

    Also, the small GPS antenna is a small black box that is sitting on the far corner of the passenger side dash. Hardly see it. Was very easy to run the wire behind the dash to hide it. It does an outstanding job pulling a signal, it turned right on and pulled up maps with my car in the garage.

    Was easy to hook up the DVD in motion also. The Bluetooth loaded from my phone right away zero issues. Music over Bluetooth sounds really good as well. I have not tried the USB input for music yet so not sure how well that will work.
    Last edited by MalingatorGTS; 12-19-2014 at 07:09 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Franktown, CO
    Thanks for the update. Any thoughts of using the backup camera input?? That would be handy.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue96GTS View Post
    Thanks for the update. Any thoughts of using the backup camera input?? That would be handy.
    It has the input. I thought about it, but I refuse to drill a hole for the camera or the wire.

    For the ones without, plate mount, etc, sometimes the lens distorts the image to the point that I just don't think I could trust it. Maybe in the future if I find the right camera, if not, my eyes still seem better then most cameras LOL!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Norwood, NC
    Did you have any buzzing or humming issues? I just installed an aftermarket stereo and now I'm having buzzing sound that increases as the engine increases its revs. I have an amp for the door speakers and an amp for the sub. We've grounded everything and nothing seems to eliminate the buzzing. Any ideas out there or anyone know how to eliminate this problem? Thanks, Lee

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee505 View Post
    Did you have any buzzing or humming issues? I just installed an aftermarket stereo and now I'm having buzzing sound that increases as the engine increases its revs. I have an amp for the door speakers and an amp for the sub. We've grounded everything and nothing seems to eliminate the buzzing. Any ideas out there or anyone know how to eliminate this problem? Thanks, Lee
    Well, that can be a long journey... but let's not expect the worst ;-)

    First, I would check all ground points and connections. Ideally, all devices would use the same ground Point (but not always viable). Make sure, that the ground connections are clean and have good contact to the metal of the frame.

    Next I would check all signal connections, meaning the chinch cables. The "outer" ring of the chinch connector (the "minus") is usually connected to the devices ground (e.g. amp) which is subsequently connected to chassis ground. So, if some cable is not ok here "noise" can easily induced into the Signal. Not sure about the Quality of chinch cables you are using but the cheapest should definitively be avoided. On the other hand, you don't have to invest myriads in cables. A normal quality, known brand cable does the job very well.

    Good luck and report back, please!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Wappingers Falls, NY
    Lee, I had this with a recent Pioneer install because the instructions were not clear to me that you had to feed the amps from the RCA plugs, and not the multi-wire connector plug. Using the color codes I spliced the Pioneer connector to the proper wires inside the DIN cord, but had a hum/buzz all the time. Volume was great, since the new deck was putting out watts and the amp was adding to them. When I wired the RCA plugs to the amp, volume decreased but static/him was gone. Hope your fix is as simple (duh) as mine was.



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