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Thread: Reckless...

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Jeremy, listen to me:

    1) EDIT THE POSTS ABOVE that clearly reveal too much.

    2) If you post on other social media, EDIT or delete.

    3) After # 1 and #2 please get a couple references for a 'connected" Atty that specializes in traffic court.

    4) Id suggest going to Court in uniform. Good Luck. I hope there was little-no traffic in your lanes during the event.

    5) a plea-down is important..... Serious infractions can affect your military record. Not to mention a license-suspension is nasty to deal with.

    GOOD LUCK SIR and thank you for your service
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 11-19-2013 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Green, oHIo
    Quote Originally Posted by TowDawg View Post
    I didn't notice the KS location at first. Give Chris Marshall a call. I'm sure he can help.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
    Quote Originally Posted by MTGTS View Post
    LOL... ironically he'd likely be "helping" you out with your own money

  3. #28
    Join Date
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    Green, oHIo
    Jrmckee09, as others mentioned get a lawyer. Mine specialized in traffic.
    I had 10 points this summer, lawyerd-up, reduced by 2 points immediately down to 8. This March 6 more come off leaving me with 2 left.
    You'll likely want to take a defensive driving course since it can take 2 points off and also help lower insurance. It's $50 for the course and it only takes like 4 hours... I spread it out over 3 or 4 nights when I did it. I think you can only take it like once every 3 or 4 years. It's sponsored by the national safety council.
    NSC Defensive Driving Course (DDC-Online)

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Southern Oregon
    Reckless driving is a crime so you need an attorney. I will reserve comment as to your alleged(?) speed.

    Take Jon B's advise. One of the first things an attorney will ask is if you have posted anything about the incident.
    Last edited by cobraken; 11-19-2013 at 02:24 PM.

  5. #30
    Hypothetically speaking, do you think you could have allegedly gone over 180 or 190 on that pull?

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I was pulled over doing 100+ but wouldn't floor it to try and get away. Radio messages travel faster than Vipers and the punishment would be much worse.

    Lawyer up, clear earlier posts about speeding, and good luck.

  7. #32
    Thank you everyone...I will re-post after the dust settles!

  8. #33

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    I have a friend in VA that was clocked at 116 MPH in a 55 (yeah, he was out of his right mind) and he got a lawyer and still had to serve a month in jail. Granted, his lawyer wasn't well connected in that county, and that area (Warrenton) is known for being very tough on speeders. And the fool was 61 over the speed limit.

    As some previously said, "Better call Saul." I hope the outcome is good.

  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenVenom View Post
    Always flip em off and just floor it!! Cops like it when you do that
    OMG you made me laugh so hard !!! keep up the comedy . love it .

  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by JerseyGTS View Post
    Hypothetically speaking, do you think you could have allegedly gone over 180 or 190 on that pull?
    LOL.... keep up the comedy.... I cannot stop laughing !!!

  12. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Jrmckee09 View Post
    Yesterday I took my 01' GTS out for one final cruise before putting her away for the winter. Long story short...I was charged with reckless driving and speeding....besides putting my tail between my legs when I go to see the judge, does anyone have any advice? This is my first speeding ticket in over six years...I was pulled over in Gear County, KS...

    First of all do NOT lose any sleep listening to anyone scare you.

    1) You are NOT going to jail and will never serve one second in jail .( unless this is your second or third similar offense at this speed)

    2) You need a Lawyer. The lawyer is necessary to negotiate this matter to a lower offense like a simple speeding ticket.You cannot be your own negotiator.

    3) Yes, John B is correct Do NOT BLOG or post about the SPECIFIC EVENTS or what occurred that day.

    4) Advise your lawyer that you are willing to pay fines/penalties to the courts to have this reduced. The courts are nothing more than fine collecting entities and the more money you throw at them, the more willing they are to listen to your lawyer plead this down from a criminal matter ( reckless endangerment) to a speeding ticket.

    Remember, the less you are willing to pay in fines, the more Painful this is going to be. The more you are willing to spend the better this will get. Figure this will cost you about $5000-$7000 in fines plus Attorneys fees to get this reduced to a speeding ticket, but you will keep your drivers license, keep your criminal record clean.

    Winter is approaching. You do not want to be riding a moped to work in the snow due to a suspended license.

  13. #38
    Join Date
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    Blair, Nebraska
    That was in Geary County, and though I have not lived in Kansas for 20 years, that can be a tough County. Ft Riley Army Base is there ( Junction City) , so unfortunately they are a bit strict with a military establishment in the County , and it is right near Manhattan , Ks. ( Kansas State University ) also. I would really suggest an Attorney , per everyone else's suggestion, and ask if the speed is reduced to just 10 miles over if it will stay off your record ( that used to be the case). It would be worth paying a reduced fine and more if the Attorney can get you off the reckless driving charge, and letting them know you have had a clean record for over 6 years should really help you. Best of luck!!

  14. #39
    Join Date
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    Green, oHIo
    Jrmckee09, it's great that you took Jon's advice and cleaned up your original post but there are two people that quoted your original post so you might ask them politely to changed those asap.
    I think there is a time limit something like 24-48 hours or something till they can no longer edit so you better ask them quickly.
    They are on (post #2) and (post#9)

    Good luck,

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You'd think a place named "Gear County" would be more tolerant of such things. Maybe move to gearhead cnty.

  16. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by intense View Post
    You'd think a place named "Gear County" would be more tolerant of such things. Maybe move to gearhead cnty.
    I'm sure he meant Geary County.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Merritt Island Fl.
    So what ever happened here? I'm getting ready to go to court over my last speeding ticket...

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