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  1. #1

    My first change to the car

    Well now that I've had the car for oh, about 3 weeks...time to start making it my own. As the motor, trans, interior are very much done, I started with some cosmetics.
    The CCW wheels were in pretty rough shape around the edges. Now I know I could get them re-polished and look new but, I'm not a shiny wheel guy so...
    Plasti Dip to the rescue! Anthracite metallic with multiple coats of gloss. The pics do not do it justice as to the final almost wet shine. I'm shocked it was Dip! Sorry about the night shots on the car but it gets dark when I get home and just HAD to post some pics.

    Not bad from a few feet away.

    This was the average look up close

    Before the "glossifyer"

    After gloss

    I'm planning on tinting the windows come spring so will help pull the dark from the wheels up to the rest of the car.

    My hope to be weekend project and next update!
    Last edited by MalingatorGTS; 12-02-2014 at 01:58 PM. Reason: Daytime pics



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