CORSA wont have the straight-line grip of a Drag Radial, but no Drag radial will have the cornering grip of a CORSA!
Anyone using the P Zero's on a GEN II with 18/19 setup ?. If so are there any rubbing issues using the 295 up front and 355 out back. Thanks
Last edited by venum4u; 01-23-2015 at 09:39 AM.
In need of tires.... For a guy that just likes to go out and have fun on the street what tire would be the best? P zero or Corsa?
Pirelli Viper tire sizes are back in stock!
I'm looking to order up some. How long is the wait time to get them after order is placed?
So I have now called twice leaving my number and e-mail trying to get tires. No luck yet.
same here. i have had no luck so far. good news is the price. the bad news.............................. can not get a reply from them.
I talked with Heather last week and she said they have the P Zeros in stock. No idea on delivery times.
I've emailed David on this thread.
Save your packing slips/invoice to show Tech Inspectors that the 2013 date tires were first sold and placed in-service in 2015. Certain events like Silver State and One Lap will take this into consideration. I cannot believe that VOA / SRT at events would not, so long as you have that proof.
A new tire that has never been stretched by inflating, and therefore never heat-cycled by driving, only loses about 2-3%/yr of its original traction while in proper new-tire storage. So a 2013 NEW tire is still at 95-96% of OE grip and traction. Once a tire is stretched-inflated and heated it begins to oxidize and harden at a faster rate, and the softer the tire (CORSA, CUPS, R888, etc) the faster it hardens.
Hi Guys
Sorry for the delay in responding to this tread. I have been working on a solution to improve our respond time on these orders.
Another person within Pirelli has been identified to process the Viper orders.
You may use the following contact information for ordering your tires.
Charlotte Carpenter
+1 (248) 552-7508
You may use Charlotte as the first point of contact, while still copying Michael and Heather (if needed.)
JonB...when inflating new tires, do you recommend nitrogen fill ? I have always believed in nitrogen because it has bigger molecules if a leak develops, stays at pressure longer, and less moisture in the tire that helps to keep the rubber fresh as well as less temp swings when running hard on the $.02
Nitrogen has it's place in motorsports / racing applications.
It is basically useless for passenger cars. Don't waste your money. Just check your inflation on a regular basis to make sure your tires are proper inflated.
What David said.....expansion minimized for racing applications. Ill add One minor nit:
Nitrogen is not an oxidizer as is [Atmospheric] oxygen. If you are long-time storing an inflated, collectible tire (or wanting to stretch its useful life to the very max) there isless seepage and much less internal oxidation on the INSIDE with NI. Your tire might not 'age out' as fast. But most owners wear out their tires.