Originally Posted by
Tom, F&L GoR
Ghost- some comments. You said the hoses were new, yet in the first image there are severe wear marks from the bottom of the cowl? The hoses are tightly bunched under the cowl, behind the cowl strut rod, against the firewall... My Gen 1 sprung a leak because something rubbed through. I later covered them in some plastic sheet to protect them.
Also in my Gen 1, the heater control valve leaked. The plastic box with the cable is the flow control valve for coolant passing through the heater core. The bottom seal had failed. Might be your leak also.
And lastly, change from the silicate green coolant to a modern long life coolant. The green coolant has an additive technology that coats the metal surfaces, (i.e. chemical soldiers depleted immediately) but in 2-3 years flakes off and floats around. When it does, you loose the corrosion protection plus the silicates are abrasive materials that wear the water pump seal. Long life coolants are nearly or completely silicate free, so no wear issues. Further, the additives are in solution until needed, so the chemical soldiers are available much, much longer. Chrysler will have their recommended version, but personal testing and experience shows Peak Global Lifetime Coolant is excellent.