2001 GTS ACR, 32000 miles.
Two days ago, I had a problem with my Viper completely out of the blue. I got to start it and the doors won't even unlock. Maybe a dome light was left on. Maybe freezing weather made the battery go kaput. No warning at all, but W/E. OK.
Get another car in there and jump it. Viper starts after cranking very sluggishly for a bit. OK. Run it for about 25 minutes, get the voltage back up.
The next day, the Viper has power, opens and unlocks fine, but cranks extremely, extremely slow. Can't get it going, so I jump it again. This time I drive it around a decent ways. Turn it off, and back on, starts reasonably well, maybe a bit slower than last time.
Today I go to try it again today, it's now in the 40's, but not warm. This time it opens fine again, but when I turn the key, I get a loud "click click click click click" (starter?) Everything else seems OK inside.
Did my starter just go up? If so, is that the problem (I think I did leave the dome light on the first time)?
If so, I have an even bigger problem. I sold the car, and the buyer is coming to take it Monday night, so this needs to be fixed in a hurry. We can do a starter easily, but I need to confirm so I can get it ordered like, yesterday.