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  1. #1

    Speaker upgrade kit installed on my TA

    I ordered the Mopar speaker upgrade kit online for about $500 which consisted of 6 additional speakers. One "center dash speaker" two "upper door speakers" and three additional "subwoofers" for behind the seats. The TA comes with a 12 speaker system and this kit supposedly adds the missing 6 speakers.

    Well, as it turns out that is not the case........

    First, I went to install the included "Center Dash Speaker and Grill". Well, to my surprise, it is already installed in the car and working from the factory.

    Next, i installed the "Upper Door Speakers and Grills". I knew that I needed these as the TA comes with block-off filler plates where these speakers get installed. I followed the included instructions and they installed perfectly. To my surprise, they worked immediately without any additional programming which the instructions said you need to have done at the dealer.

    Now, on to the sub's behind the seats. I removed the carpet behind the drivers seat and found one sub installed from the factory. I removed the other block-off plate and installed the missing drivers side sub. Next, I removed the carpet behind the passenger side seat and to my surprise there was one sub installed from the factory. So I installed the one missing sub and closed things up. Turned on the radio and the 2 additional subs that I installed DID NOT WORK. I guess that I need the dealer to do the software mod to get these going.

    So in conclusion, of the additional 6 speakers I purchased in the $500 kit, I only needed to use 4 of the speakers. But what really amazes me is that the viper is marketed as a "12" or "18" speaker system.

    That is NOT the case.

    The "18" speaker system actually only uses "13" physical speakers and the "12" speaker system actually uses "9" physical speakers.

    The reason being is that the "center dash speaker", the 2 "upper door speakers" and the 2 "rear hatch speakers" and called "Unity Speakers" and are thus 2-way drivers and each single physical speaker actually counts as 2 speakers.

    Check out the diagram below I was able to find on the Harman Kardon website.

    Screen Shot 2014-11-17 at 10.28.12 AM.jpg

    While I'm glad that I now have all the speakers that the Viper was designed to have, I feel a little misled in SRT's marketing of their audio systems.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Washington, IL
    Excellent information! Let us know how the software upgrade goes at the dealer to get the two additional subwoofers working and then what you think about how it sounds vs the stock TA system. It seems, to me, that those 4 speakers you installed are exactly what's missing. It bugs me seeing the block off plates in the doors so I want those speakers and then a little extra low end from the two additional subs would be great.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Houston, TX
    Interesting info. Thanks for sharing! Would be nice to just be able to purchase the pair of door speakers separate, and the subs individually.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Atlanta, GA
    This is too funny, I was about to start another thread. I just did the same thing but I am having some issues with my dealer upgrading the software.

    They claimed that they have upgraded the software and I now see the surround option on the head unit but the additional subwoofers are still not working. I upgraded from the 9 speaker option, not sure if that makes any difference.

    Dealer had tried twice now and no success. I am thinking about taking it to another dealer at this point.

    Can you please check the model # of the amp in the trunk please? I'd like to make sure that they are all the same amplifiers.

  5. #5
    Great information. Something I was interested in doing, but was side tracked. Hope the extra sub works out. Do you recall during the sub installation whether the rear of the subs are enclosed? It's been a while since I last checked from underneath the car.
    Last edited by sharmut; 11-20-2014 at 12:20 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    In your opinion, does the 18 sound that much better than the 12?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Glass City Ohio
    I had a Harmon Kardon system in one of my older cars and had nothing but trouble with them. Sound quality was always poor no matter what speakers I upgraded to. It's too bad Dodge didn't go with at least a BOSE system. I don't think you'll ever get the Harmon Kardon system to sound that great. But on the other hand, when I'm in my Viper, I hear very little of it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    40 acres & a mule...
    I had the 9 speaker system in my 13 & the 18 speaker system now in my 14. The sound difference is night & day. I officially endorse the 18 speaker system for what it's worth...

  9. #9
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by A2008 View Post
    I had a Harmon Kardon system in one of my older cars and had nothing but trouble with them. Sound quality was always poor no matter what speakers I upgraded to. It's too bad Dodge didn't go with at least a BOSE system. I don't think you'll ever get the Harmon Kardon system to sound that great. But on the other hand, when I'm in my Viper, I hear very little of it!
    Sit in a car with the 19 speaker HK from factory and you will change your mind.

    All 4 of my BMW's had the HK system in them, and they all sounded great. Definitely never heard of anyone having issues with a factory HK system until now.

    BOSE is junk. It is always Chevy's system, so we will never see that in a Dodge I doubt.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viktimize View Post
    Sit in a car with the 19 speaker HK from factory and you will change your mind.

    All 4 of my BMW's had the HK system in them, and they all sounded great. Definitely never heard of anyone having issues with a factory HK system until now.

    BOSE is junk. It is always Chevy's system, so we will never see that in a Dodge I doubt.
    The HK in my Rover sounds great as well.

  11. #11
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    Houston, TX
    Bose is absolute garbage in the automotive arena. Only barely acceptable (but well marketed) in the home arena. The Corvette Bose systems have been garbage for years, worst system I ever had from GM. Even my 1998-2002 Camaro/Firebird crap systems sounded better than my C6 Corvette systems. LOL

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Tysons Corner, VA
    As someone that had the 9 speaker system, anything has to be an improvement lol

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSmith View Post
    As someone that had the 9 speaker system, anything has to be an improvement lol
    I had the 9 in the '13, and now 12 in the '14. Barely any difference, but I rarely have the radio turned up. The system in my new Dodge Ram sounds great, however.

  14. #14
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    I have the 18 speaker system in my GTS TA, it sounds nice and the bass is okay but it doesn't get very loud. Its as if there isn't enough treble. So, its okay but nothing to write home about.
    Last edited by C-Note; 11-19-2014 at 01:37 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Is it because:

    Because you know I'm all about that bass,
    'Bout that bass, no treble
    "You are" all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
    You are all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
    You are all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass

    Couldn't granddaufgter's favorite song for now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Edmonton, Alberta
    So does anyone know if you can do the 19 speaker upgrade in a car that doesn't come with it? 18 is great, but I want that extra big factory subwoofer. I'm blown away still by how good it sounded in the one I sat in at Chelsea.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    I think you heard the 18 speaker system, the Jeep has 19 speakers??

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Note View Post
    I think you heard the 18 speaker system, the Jeep has 19 speakers??

    the 19 speaker was an upgrade. The 19th speaker is a real subwoofer, not just a midbass. According to the engineer that was demonstrating it for me anyway.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Washington, IL
    You're the first person I've heard say there's a 19th speaker option for the Viper. I've always heard 9 (for the base 13s), 12 (option in 13, standard in 14), or 18.

    The 9 speaker system is poop, I can hear all three speakers that were added to the 12 - the center speaker and 2 subs.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    You're the first person I've heard say there's a 19th speaker option for the Viper. I've always heard 9 (for the base 13s), 12 (option in 13, standard in 14), or 18.

    The 9 speaker system is poop, I can hear all three speakers that were added to the 12 - the center speaker and 2 subs.
    Beats me. Maybe the guy just misspoke thinking the system had same number of speakers as the Cherokee? But then I see a few cars listed as having 19 speakers, are those mistypes as well?

    If the 18 speaker is the top end option for stereo then that is great. Because I see that listed fairly often. I guess I will find out once I can go down and order a 2015 though

  21. #21
    Maybe I missed it, but what is the part # for the 18 speaker upgrade. Also did you ever get it all worked out?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkie View Post
    Maybe I missed it, but what is the part # for the 18 speaker upgrade. Also did you ever get it all worked out?

    part number 82213535

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1PERMAN View Post
    While I'm glad that I now have all the speakers that the Viper was designed to have, I feel a little misled in SRT's marketing of their audio systems.
    Nothing misled. All auto manufacturers count each driver as a "speaker". Due to packaging constraints in a vehicle, putting a tweeter on top of a mid-range driver in the same housing is in fact two speakers.

    Quote Originally Posted by A2008 View Post
    I had a Harmon Kardon system in one of my older cars and had nothing but trouble with them. Sound quality was always poor no matter what speakers I upgraded to. It's too bad Dodge didn't go with at least a BOSE system. I don't think you'll ever get the Harmon Kardon system to sound that great. But on the other hand, when I'm in my Viper, I hear very little of it!
    Oh jeez, Harmon Kardon is regarded way better than Bose. Bose is highly over-rated. The 19-speaker HK speaker system in my Summit Grand Cherokee sounds amazing.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by C-Note View Post
    I have the 18 speaker system in my GTS TA, it sounds nice and the bass is okay but it doesn't get very loud. Its as if there isn't enough treble. So, its okay but nothing to write home about.
    I will say that I have owned many different cars but the HK system in my GTS is the best sounding factory system I have heard, especially when you factor in the tight space of the car itself.

    Bought a new Dodge Dart also as my daily runner and I gutted that sound system as it was beyond horrific.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by elitex View Post
    This is too funny, I was about to start another thread. I just did the same thing but I am having some issues with my dealer upgrading the software.

    They claimed that they have upgraded the software and I now see the surround option on the head unit but the additional subwoofers are still not working. I upgraded from the 9 speaker option, not sure if that makes any difference.

    Dealer had tried twice now and no success. I am thinking about taking it to another dealer at this point.

    Can you please check the model # of the amp in the trunk please? I'd like to make sure that they are all the same amplifiers.
    Digging this back from the dead, but I just confirmed tonight that my car is doing this as well. All speakers installed and the dealer updated the software(see surround sound in the head unit), but the additional subs are not working. Has anyone found a solution for this?

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