I've got a Samsung Galaxy S4 I believe. You can go into the "settings" if you press the left touch button on the bottom of the phone when in the music app. The music app has a green musical note surrounded by a blue circle. Once in settings you select "SoundAlive" which has a bunch of "stock equalizer" settings such as Rock, Pop, Dance, Classic, Jazz, etc. The "Rock" setting I find to be the best. I know people have said that using the Bluetooth to stream music is not as good as a USB cable etc., but I have tried both, and there is no perceptible difference. Again, this may have a lot to do with the type of phone I'm using, the music program, the quality of my mp3's etc. etc. etc.............. There are tons of variables. The bottom line: my system sounds awesome when streaming from Bluetooth. I just need to make sure I have it on the right setting on the phone.
Edit - I would suspect that every phone/ipod etc. has the ability to change the equalizer settings. In my experience, this is absolutely vital in getting the most out of your sound system. It's not like the old days, when the only thing you had to change were the settings on the actual head unit. Now you have to make sure the settings on your source device are set properly first, then adjust your head unit accordingly![]()
Last edited by lochnessmonster; 05-27-2016 at 05:05 PM.
Thanks, I have found it in settings under music on the iphone.
Another VOA thread to the rescue! Did this upgrade without incident. The door panels were the only somewhat intimidating part of the install. Dealer flashed without incident. HOLY COW! The sound upgrade is ridic! Did not use speaker buckets behind the rear speakers, do not care as it is rumored the factory no longer uses them. Thanks for the advice guys!
I had heard they were using the foam baffles in place of the old buckets......without one of these your speaker is exposed to the elements and might also test how well it works in a large infinite baffle scenario.
I do agree, sound is MUCH improved, worth the $$$.
[EDIT] I did see the post/pics you were referring to with no buckets, just WOW. I would still use them.
Last edited by wrh3; 07-26-2016 at 10:32 AM.
I miss the 18 speakers from my GT. I'll want to make the upgrade again in my TA. Another tip if your bass is low, just mute and Unmute the volume. It's something with the firmware. I had to do it almost each time I turned on the radio. It's much more noticeable with bass heavy music like rap or you may not even know it's not working to the full potential.
Thanks for this thread! I ordered everything the OP noted last week, and it came in yesterday. Very easy install; although I feel certain I broke some of the clips. However, I don't here any rattles. Now, I just need to go to the dealer to the get the subs working.
Wanting to do this upgrade, but after reading this thread for the past hour I’m still confused LOL...
I have a 2013 GTS, so I assume I have the “12 speaker kit”? My questions...
•Does the 2013 need the center dash speaker installed?
•Do the 13s have speaker buckets already installed behind my seats?
•Have people successfully had the 2013s converted to the full 18 speaker setup? (Basically, gotten all the 6x9s to work)
Should all GTS’s have the 18 Spkr HK setup? Check and see if you’ve got the upper door speakers.
Weird...my 2015GT had the 12 speaker system,
And the upper door location had a plastic plate covering the spot where the speaker and grill goes
I started a thread on this...pretty straight forward with all the part#'s needed.
Polo 708, I have a 2013 GTS that was purchased new with the 12 speakers system and have done the 18 speaker change over.
The 2013 does not need the dash speaker its already there.
13s do not have the 6x9 speaker buckets installed from factory.
to get the additional 6x9 to work you must have the dealer enable them.
Follow the parts list from gen5snake post and you will be fine. If you already have the upper door grills installed from factory that helps with whats needed and is most likely some sort of mixup from manufacturing. There was a post a while back of one car that had a speaker under the dummy plate on the passenger side however the driver side had the dummy plate and no speaker.
Good luck with your project it really does make a difference with windows up and at slower speeds.
Will do, thanks...
So all the wires are just sitting there? Do they just clip in and are ready to go? (Minus the “subs” that need the radio update)
All the wires and connectors are there. They were all taped up and pulled back/hidden on my car. You'll need to to some digging, but they are all there. They used the same harness for these cars.
In my thread, I linked to this site which shows a nice "how to" http://www.billswebspace.com/viper.html. Bill shows a taped up connector.
Last edited by Gen5snake; 08-25-2019 at 07:31 PM.