Just updated Ashvilles new location.
1000 Ridgefield Blvd, Asheville,
Just updated Ashvilles new location.
1000 Ridgefield Blvd, Asheville,
Cars and Coffee at the music center in Charlotte this Saturday. They had about 300 cars last month. It was my first time going and i was very impressed with the diversity of cars. There were about 8 to 10 vipers. Ron's carbon viper is the S#$T. Love that car. Hope to see you on Saturday.
Wanting to make it to a Charlotte C&C but always seems to be something else going on.
This coming Saturday C&C Fayetteville is hosting a special event. Meet and private screening of Fast and furious 7. Have about 300 confirmed to attend so have 2 screens reserved. Last time about 50 confirmed about 150 actually attended.
hopefully will be there sat morning too ( charlotte C&C).
Mopars at the Rock is also this Saturday
Assuming the weather is clear, it looks like we may have a few VOA members in attendance at Charlotte C&C this weekend. Not sure what times everyone is looking at but I'll likely try to arrive by 8-830am, if not sooner. If anyone is interested, we'll likely cruise over to Red Rocks in Birkdale Village to hang out and grab some lunch.
can you send me the address?, I lost it and changed the radio on my car and lost it there too.
Weather is looking good for Saturday - maybe a little cool in the morning but should be pretty nice. Post here if you're thinking of dropping by - the list I know so far is:
Ron, you coming by this weekend?
Not sure yet, but I will let you know.
I will be there.
Fantastic turnout at Charlotte Cars & Coffee today - several hundred cars including about 15 Vipers. It was great meeting some of our newest members Ron, Ed, and Dwight; looking forward to hanging out with you guys again! John Hammer was taking advantage of some rare home time and I finally met him as well! C&C continues to have a little something for everyone and today was no different. Now we just have to get the cars cleaned up because of the pollen..
Some of you guys left too early! A few of us ended up cruising through downtown Charlotte then heading over to Red Rocks Cafe in Birkdale Village for a great lunch.
Fun times as always hanging with the Viper family, it was great seeing the new faces and building up the friendship among viper owners!!, looking forward to the next one.
Great to finally meet some of the members. Ron's Carbon Edition is sick. John has some great stories. Chuck, can't wait to see your ACR on the track at VIR. I think we figured out Ross's wiper issue. Special Ed, I can see us getting in trouble. LOL. And Patrick, great meeting you and thanks for providing the enthusiasm every great car club needs. Sorry I missed the cruise and lunch. Definitely plan on attending next month.
Anyone interested in meeting up and cruising to cars and coffee Raleigh or Greensboro on Saturday 4/18 and maybe getting lunch afterwards.
A non member Scott that lives down the road from me is interested in going and getting more active in car events, some of you met him last year at mopars at the rock, he had a 96 b/w, he has black with silver 08 coupe now. He went to mopars at the Rock this year, said he was the only viper.
I'll be at Greensboro on the 18th. I'll also be at the Winston C&C this Saturday. It's a small group, but only a mile from the house with free coffee and Krispy Kreme donuts.
I'm in for either spot. I will check with Scott to see if he is cool with Greensboro not much further from where we live. Would you all want to meet before and cruise in together?
I should be at G'boro around 8 am. Gonna be a beautiful day. If anyone else wants to meet to arrive together, let me know. Otherwise, see ya there.
Dave did you mean 8am today or tomorrow? I was there today but did not see you. Was a lot of cars. Only two other vipers. Was a great day.
I didn't get there until around 9:30. We were swamped in with fog all morning until the sun burnt it off and then I ran over there. Sorry I missed ya! I met the drivers of the '02 FE and the '14 white w/black stripes.