At our November 8, 2014 IN/KY VOA meeting, we discussed and approved the following:

It is 2015 Membership RENEWAL time for the VOA. Please consider doing so promptly: "It’s easy to renew, just go to or call 888.778.1545 if you wish to renew over the phone. Do it now!"

This led into a discussion about repeating our annual membership fee refund drawing. Steve suggested that we again draw for two such refunds at the Holiday Party...noting that one does not have to be present in order to be eligible. Jim and the group approved this plan. See below:

ALL members who have joined the IN/KY Region of the Viper Owners Association (VOA) for 2015 BY 11:59 PM EST, Thursday, December 11, 2014 will be entered into the above mentioned drawing. The TWO winners will have his/her full 2015 dues REFUNDED whether is it a $115.00 Membership or the $150.00 Mamba Membership. The five current IN/KY VOA Officers/Board Members, and the current Membership Coordinator & his Wife ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for this drawing.

This drawing will take place on December 13, 2014 at our Holiday Party.