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Thread: I'm confused.

  1. #1

    I'm confused.

    I wanted a Viper for a long time and finally got one a few weeks ago - a 1996 Black RT 10.

    So I'm checking for a Viper Club and I find the Viper Owners Association and Viper Club of America.

    What's up with that?

    Did people get mad at each other in the past and split into two factions?

    Like Hatfields and McCoys?

    Why need two national Viper Clubs?

  2. #2
    Basically yes. Most of the Chapters have left the previous club and joined the VOA here.

    Not sure how many people are over in the other site now but I don't think there are that many members.

    Congrats on your Viper and welcome to the VOA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Not only did people get mad the manufacture got mad a wrote a letter to the old club which was dismissed by the leadership there. Most of the information is available on the Alley and Jalponik did 3 stories on it as well IIRC. Most people got fed up and left and the VOA was started. This club has 1,800 member and the old club has about 300 if that tells you anything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    There's more than Two clubs, theres Viper Passion too, (French club) All have websites and forum pages. As others said, lots of Politics involved with the Old Club, I think they are trying to turn things around but many had enough of the broken promises and a new International club was formed. All of us in the UK region left the old club and we now get monies back from membership which we can use for club events, that never happened in the old club! I find it more positive here too.

    Now hit this button and let the fun begin Welcome.

  5. #5
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    this is the only club worth talking about and joining. thats all you need to know

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nashvizzle TN
    Initiation, secret handshake and Hi sign are easier here

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rocky Mountains
    Well you are here so that is all that matters. VOA AZ chapter is awesome so if you are in AZ, would be most important to you.

  8. #8
    whitebeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arizonajack View Post
    I wanted a Viper for a long time and finally got one a few weeks ago - a 1996 Black RT 10.

    So I'm checking for a Viper Club and I find the Viper Owners Association and Viper Club of America.

    What's up with that?

    Did people get mad at each other in the past and split into two factions?

    Like Hatfields and McCoys?

    Why need two national Viper Clubs?
    It started a long time ago and culminated in the site you see now. To go over history really wouldn't help much at this point. Suffice to say welcome and enjoy. If you have questions, ask. You will get as many answers as pages in the Webster's dictionary. But you will get answers to help and guide.
    Janni called me a smartass.......I feel honored and humbled.......

    Ron Wasserman, Jerome Sparich, Normand Chouinard, Paul Mumford, Chase the wind, feel the turn,

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ohio - Florida
    The VCA has only 3 known regions, a small one in Texas, a small one in Florida, and a small one in Switzerland. Most of the 300 or so people that signed up last year with the VCA did so because they were not informed about what was going on. Their few members are scattered so far throughout the country that depending on where you live, the nearest regional meeting or event may well be 2,000 miles away from you!

    Currently the VCA is under an IRS investigation/audit including years all the way back to 2010. None of the 4 magazines for the 2014 membership year have even been printed or mailed to their members. These are magazines that are already paid for by their members. The lack of participation for their national event VOI13 COTA had devastating effects on them financially. And now with the IRS audit..........

    Below is the map of regions for the VOA. 35 total active regions with 1856 members.

    VOA National Viper Event 1 (NVE1) - July 18-20th, 2014. VOA Viper owners group picture.

    VOA NAtion Viper Event (NVE1) at Conner Ave Assembly Plant (CAAP) home of Viper on day 1 of the event.


    The VCA's national event in Texas. Viper Owners Invitational (VOI13 COTA) group photo.
    Last edited by daytonprowler; 11-08-2014 at 10:13 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mopar Garage
    As a shopper for a club, you need to do your homework and see what works best for you. You will find most here left the other organization for a lot of reasons. Most deal around Corruption from the top and was easier to start over than attempt to clean up the old Board members. Crossroads was able to start a region as a result of leaving the other club and we could not be happier. I see you posted on the other site too. People on both sites will try to sell you the reasons to join there club. For me the choice was obvious.

    Good luck and enjoy your New Viper.


  11. #11
    Randall, what about Ohio starting a new VCA chapter? I got an email about a week or two ago.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by WDW MKR View Post
    Randall, what about Ohio starting a new VCA chapter? I got an email about a week or two ago.
    Ignore it... it isn't going anywhere nor do they have anything to offer. Just somebody trying to do something different that's all.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Ohio - Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by WDW MKR View Post
    Randall, what about Ohio starting a new VCA chapter? I got an email about a week or two ago.

    Yes we have had a few VOA Ohio Members contact us concerning an email blast that was sent out by Bill and Janey White. Bill White was our Ohio membership director and Janey was our Secretary/Treasurer. The VOA members that contacted us about the emails said they told the Whites they were not interested in the VCA.

    There were many things, but the last straw was that we found out that the Whites were talking to the VCA National President Dan Everts and VCA National VP Greg Crouse about VOA club information in an attempt to undermine the VOA and the VOA Ohio Club.

    At that point VOA Ohio Region President Terry Bosserman in agreement with the rest of the VOA Ohio Board members asked for Bill and Janey to resign their board/director positions with the VOA Ohio Region. They were not kicked out of the VOA Ohio Club, just asked to resign their board positions.

    Bill and Janey have decided to illegally use a membership list that is not their property in an attempts to start a new Viper region for the VCA. We have discussed suing them over this breach of privacy acts, but at the end of the day what good would it do.

    Our VOA Ohio Region is the 4th largest out of 35 regions of the VOA. Our members want to stay with their friends. This year the Ohio Club is celebrating it's 20th anniversary!

    Unfortunately, the VCA has gone to these type of tactics. Dan Evert's and Greg Crouse's hatred for the VOA and me personally is very sad. They both have made it clear to many people that they are not going to let a f** get the best of them. LOL

    All I can do is wish the Whites well on their VCA Ohio Club. Good luck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Quote Originally Posted by arizonajack View Post
    I wanted a Viper for a long time and finally got one a few weeks ago - a 1996 Black RT 10.

    So I'm checking for a Viper Club and I find the Viper Owners Association and Viper Club of America.

    What's up with that?

    Did people get mad at each other in the past and split into two factions?

    Like Hatfields and McCoys?

    Why need two national Viper Clubs?

    Stop By and visit locally with former club prez MARV SPATZ, the back-bone-less AZ owner who was instrumental in destroying a once-great club.

  15. #15
    Thanks for the recap. It's unfortunate when that happens. I've seen it in other clubs.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Now your not confused you can hit the join button

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I am not sure if this is even going to be allowed on the site, but here goes.

    1. Bill and I were totally loyal to the Ohio VOA until the President started stating certain things, which were not true.
    Because of this I did not want any further termoil. so I resigned. At no time, when I was a VOA Member did I try to recruit people nor did I have any plans of joining the VCA. I joined the VCA after long discussions. After my resignation from the Ohio VOA, we were contacted by a few members of the Ohio VOA who asked us why we did not take over the Ohio VOA. We just told them we did not think it was worth it, just too much baggage. But after conversations with a few more people we joined the VCA and volunteered to start the Ohio VCA.

    Members should take note..... members of the Ohio VOA You really did not have elections for officers, the President just appoints who he wants.

    2. The continual hatered that the VOA displays towards the officers of the VCA is unrecipricated. The VCA has moved on and dealing with problems that they have found. They also are correcting problem that the members bring up which to me is an organization that is moving forward. We have had conversations with the entire board and have not found anything that was described by the VOA. In some ways it is ashame, that all the people with experience running clubs chose to split the organizations. If the organization had not split just imagion where the VCA would be today.

    3. As far as using the membership list to contact people, somebody needs to take note if you do not want to be contacted by the VCA there is opt out on the bottom of each email. Of course anyone from the Ohio area does have our email and can contact us directly. We are not aware of anyone telling us not to contact them as of this date. As far as illegally using the membership list the only people that were contact were prior members and members of the VCA. Unlike what the VOA did in using the VCA list to contact the members we have never done that.

    4. This is for everyone to take note. We were very surprised that there is a significant number of members signed up in Ohio and wanting to be active with a club. We are looking to have quite a bit of fun in the future.

    I am sorry that this thread got high jacked but it is time to put the hatred to bed and move on. As I said on the VCA website, read both of the boards and make your own decision. No matter which club you choose you will have a great time with your Viper and Viper friends.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    This thread is not about accusations and being defensive, it is a question by the OP on why there are 2 clubs. The short answer is management and how they are ran. No need to open up a can of worms and start defending and throwing stones at each other. Clubs are based on it's members and the direction they want with help from a governing body.

    stay on topic

    Enjoy your Viper


  19. #19
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Janey, I'm not sure what hatred you are referring to... We rarely, and I mean very rarely have any discussions of the VCA. The VOA moved on... period.

    If you want to open a can of worms, we can all go there. To say the VCA unrecriprocated is just FALSE... For me, I like it here at the VOA... sorry it didn't work for you.
    Enjoy your club choice...
    Use the Report a post feature... It works!

  20. #20
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Now I'm getting it that the OP posted the exact same post on both forums... LOL

    keep it civil and classy people...
    Use the Report a post feature... It works!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Ohio - Florida
    Looks like we've had 3 new VOA members join, and 8 VOA renewals since this thread started. AWESOME!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    If you really are going to research the clubs and make a choice makeas to which is right for you make sure you have at least an hour to spare and read this thread:

    Also, whoever said that VOA presidents get paid based on membership #'s over on the other site is outright lying. THAT'S the exact type of shit that everyone was tired of and left.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Ohio - Florida

    PM me your address and I'll have Barb or Bridgett send you our 3rd and latest edition of Viper Quarterly magazine, on me of course.

    Here at the VOA we don't just "promise" magazines, we actually print them and send them to your home!

    Last edited by daytonprowler; 11-08-2014 at 05:07 PM.

  24. #24
    I don't know Mr. cubican and he most certainly does not know me, but to post such false and inflammatory things is enough insight into why folks left that club and knew it did not represent what's good about Viper ownership.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post
    The VCA has only 3 known regions, a small one in Texas, a small one in Florida, and a small one in Switzerland. Most of the 300 or so people that signed up last year with the VCA did so because they were not informed about what was going on. Their few members are scattered so far throughout the country that depending on where you live, the nearest regional meeting or event may well be 2,000 miles away from you!

    Currently the VCA is under an IRS investigation/audit including years all the way back to 2010. None of the 4 magazines for the 2014 membership year have even been printed or mailed to their members. These are magazines that are already paid for by their members. The lack of participation for their national event VOI13 COTA had devastating effects on them financially. And now with the IRS audit..........

    Below is the map of regions for the VOA. 35 total active regions with 1856 members.

    VOA National Viper Event 1 (NVE1) - July 18-20th, 2014. VOA Viper owners group picture.

    VOA NAtion Viper Event (NVE1) at Conner Ave Assembly Plant (CAAP) home of Viper on day 1 of the event.


    The VCA's national event in Texas. Viper Owners Invitational (VOI13 COTA) group photo.
    That's an interesting map of the regions Can you break it down to how many members are in each region? would make good food for thought...


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