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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    San Antonio

    Elections are coming!

    It is that time again! Now that you have all voted in the mid term elections to help your country I would like to ask all active members of the our VOA region to please begin emailing in nominations for board positions. All nominations must be in by December 15th 2014. SEND ALL NOMINATIONS TO THE EMAIL. Feel free to nominate yourself as well, we welcome the participation! The board will send an electronic ballot to your email with all nominees for each position within a week of recording all nominations. All ballots are anonymous and will be recorded by the survey company. Only total results will be provided to the board and all results will be sent to all active VOA members as well as posted on our VOA Forum website. We encourage all nominees to campaign for votes at monthly events and gatherings as well as on the forums. The more you get involved the more fun it is!

    For the 2015-2016 term I will be stepping down as your Regional President. I have enjoyed my time helping shape this club and meeting everyone. It has been great working with many of you to put together events and enjoying the outcome of all of the hard work. It has been a great past few years, we have grown and seen a lot of member involvement and diversified events as well as becoming one of the founding regions of the new VOA. I feel it is time to step down and let a new person take over to bring in new ideas and a new management style. I am staying a part of the VOA and this region for many years to come and will be open to help in the transition as well as answer any questions going forward to whomever wins the election this December. I would like to thank all the members of the board for coming together and serving the club in these positions over the years, your hard work and dedication to the region deserves a standing ovation. I appreciate all of our member’s patience in this time of restructuring and helping the VOA to be the largest Viper club in the world! Please start sending in your nominations, your vote does count!

    Your current South Central Texas Viper Club Board is:

    Kurt Robinson

    Vice President:
    Chris Green

    Chris Green (interim- position open)

    Secretary and Head of Charity events:
    Jim Chandler (recently moved- position open)

    On a side note our membership numbers are UP! We have several new members on our rosters; I encourage all members new and old to come out every month and get to know one another.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mission, TX
    So who is in charge now?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    San Antonio
    Ballots have not gone out yet. Ballots will go out within a week of the 15th deadline. Keep looking in your email for your voting ballot. Should be Thursday-Friday when I get back to the office. New board will be announced at the January planning/holiday party.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    San Antonio
    Ballots were sent out yesterday and we already have almost 50% of the vote in, GREAT participation on this one! It is a close race in all positions!



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