What have you...ahem...learned about your Viper at car shows, gas stations, street lights, etc by non-owners? I assume we get a lot of the same ones but here are my favorites and the three that really stick out to me. 2 are common, one is a fact straight out of outer space. I say fact because to those telling me, they are damn certain.
1. IT'S THE EXACT SAME MOTOR OUT OF THE 94 TRUCK. Oh is it? Well shit, I better get rid of my ram pickup and tow with my GTS instead. If someone told me it had the same bore and stroke, I would be impressed. But that never happened with my Gen II. I was just told over and over that it is a truck motor just stuck in the car.
2. IS THIS ONE A V-10 OR A V-12? Well, being the outright liar or full blown idiot that I am (depends on what they think of me as I answer) I tell them that all Vipers all aluminum V-10s. It is at that point I am informed that they have a V-12 option, I must not know about it because these people sure do. It is again at this point my pathological lying comes into play as I say that they have always been aluminum V-10s but that displacement and power has increased over the years, but still they are aluminum V-10s. People stick to their guns pretty hard on this one, so I find it no worth the effort.
3. IS THIS SOME KIND OF CORVETTE? (It was a Gen II, 2002 GTS) Me: No, this is a Dodge Viper. THEM: YEAH BUT VIPER IS MADE BY CORVETTE. CORVETTE OWNS THE BRAND. It was at this point where I think I had an aneurism or a stroke or something like that because all I could see was white hot rage and then I passed out.
I am thankful for these good Samaritans, for without them I would know so little about the car that I have lusted after from 92 to 2009 and owned some variation of since then.
Please share what these "shade tree lunkheads" have enlightened you with over your time of ownership.
P.S. I of course find most non-owners to be very nice people who ask legitimate questions about the vehicle or express their appreciation for it/other great automobiles so the good interactions outweigh the bad by about 99 to 1. It's just the people that are so certain they know these things about these cars and I am nothing but a clueless rich guy (neither of those accurately describes me at all) who has no idea about his V-12, Truck-Motored but rebadged Corvette.