So the other night, IMSA held their USCR championship ceremony at Cipriani's on 42nd street. IMSA also had 3 of the championship winning cars parked out front. As we all know what happened, I had to make the trip to the city. Not once all season (or the last) did I ever get to see the cars race, I did get photos of them and in them at Riley Tech and I appreciate what they've done for me. So regardless of the weather I was determined to see the car.
I got out of work at 6:30, drove to the train station and pulled my gear out of the car and took off for the platform once I got there. Then came the 45 minute ride into NY Penn Station. Along the way I was getting nervous. Back in Jersey it was misting, not raining but just enough water to make you start saying little prayers in your head that it's not raining in NYC and that they didn't remove the cars. Instagram kept me in touch with people that had seen the cars earlier.
Train stops, we arrive and I head up stairs to the front of the Garden to find the streets absolutely SOAKED. I mean it was just ten times worse than it was back home. I hopped in a cab and off to 42nd I went. The cabbie dropped me off at the block on Grand Central or so, so I had to walk up a bit. I was on limited time, wish I had more but I still had to head back home to buy anniversary flowers for my girlfriend.
Never the less, I found dry hallway, pulled the tripod out, put the camera on top and went to work. Here are the results...from best to last. After I finished, I packed up and said my final goodbyes. It was bittersweet but I'm glad I got to see it.
Thank you Team Viper.