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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Spring, Texas

    Need help on pads for Porter Cable 7424

    I have a Porter Cable 7424 that has sat for awhile and the black rubber/foam pad has deteriorated and fallen off the flat metal disc in pieces. it appears it was just glued on? Which pads and where is the best place to get replacements? Im also not sure how the pad was attached as it sort of just fell apart off the round metal plate. Does the pad have adhesive for the metal disc or what? I need an item number or reference to get the right replacements. The old pad had a slant to it around the sides and not squared off. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Late Apex; 10-07-2014 at 07:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Louisville, KY
    Whoa my friend, before you mess something up and end up buying all the wrong stuff, take a look at THIS THREAD. It is going to answer your questions and then some. Get a pen and paper ready and TAKE NOTES. There's 2-hours of video and information in that thread and you will not retain a fraction of it by watching them once. Get some popcorn ready and realize that your are about to watch a serious tutorial in paint correction.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Spring, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkman2008 View Post
    Whoa my friend, before you mess something up and end up buying all the wrong stuff, take a look at THIS THREAD. It is going to answer your questions and then some. Get a pen and paper ready and TAKE NOTES. There's 2-hours of video and information in that thread and you will not retain a fraction of it by watching them once. Get some popcorn ready and realize that your are about to watch a serious tutorial in paint correction.
    Paint correction? Great videos but since I dont have hours to watch them again today, back to my question, what part/pads do I need to get to replace the pad that fell apart on the metal disc? A link to the correct replacement pads would be great.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Louisville, KY
    All that information s in those videos. I did all the footwork for you. All you have to do is watch the videos and take notes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    A photo would be very helpful here...I think you're talking about the pad that would have the Velcro backing that the buffing pads stick to?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Louisville, KY
    Those are the ONLY type of pads you want to use, Especially on a Viper.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Late Apex View Post
    I have a Porter Cable 7424 that has sat for awhile and the black rubber/foam pad has deteriorated and fallen off the flat metal disc in pieces. it appears it was just glued on? Which pads and where is the best place to get replacements? Im also not sure how the pad was attached as it sort of just fell apart off the round metal plate. Does the pad have adhesive for the metal disc or what? I need an item number or reference to get the right replacements. The old pad had a slant to it around the sides and not squared off. Thanks in advance.
    The reason that Junkman is directing you to his videos is because it appears that you are really novice since it appears you are not even describing the tools of the trade well. It sounds like you are talking about the backing plate that the pads attach to with a velcro-like system' It sounds as though you need a new backing plate, and you have to decide on what size to get. I see that JM recommends 5" for novice. Then you get the proper pads for the various tasks that you intend to use it for. e.g.:
    and for something to read in addition to JM's videos:

    That's as far as I can help here. I am a novice also and I will need to research this also; because my stuff has sat for years and needs replacing also.

    It would be nice just to have one post here that has the backing plate part#, and pads that are the recommended novice "go-to" parts.
    Last edited by AZTVR; 10-08-2014 at 09:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkman2008 View Post
    All that information s in those videos. I did all the footwork for you. All you have to do is watch the videos and take notes.
    Nice videos AJ, very informative.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Louisville, KY
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    The reason that Junkman is directing you to his videos is because it appears that you are really novice since it appears you are not even describing the tools of the trade well.

    And if he touches the paint on his Viper with what he is describing, he's going to be paying someone to fix his paint, if not REPAINT part of his car. There is no "miracle in a bottle." There is no "one stop shop." If you want to do this yourself and do it right, it requires some investment on the behalf of the novice to actually learn what the heck they are doing. We're not talking about buffing on Pinto's here so if you cherish the value of your car, you will take the time to learn how to do it right.

    We live in a "want it now" society but there not one guy here who married a woman that gave him the panties within 5 minutes of meeting her. Some things are worth working for. This is one of those things, or you should just bite the bullet and pay someone who knows what they are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by cfiiman View Post
    Nice videos AJ, very informative.
    Thanks for watching sir.



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