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  1. #1

    Event Ideas for 2015 NEVOA

    Starting a thread on potential event ideas for 2015. Ill print it out and bring it to the discussion table early next year.

    I'm still thinking the top of Mt Washington with all the vipers would be pretty awesome. About 1/4 mile packed dirt road at the top, but not bad at all (Just did it a month ago in my mazda) Thoughts? ideas? let us hear about it!

    I think we are due for making the trip around Gloucester again because you cant beat those views and picture opportunities.

    BBQ and Dominiques house might be a regular thing for now since we get a great turn out.

    How about something in the Cape for an over night? Also so Rick and anyone else down there doesn't have to drive a million miles north for once.

    An idea doesn't mean you have to put it together unless you want to of course (that would be much appreciated) but please just throw out any ideas. Ill figure it out. Of course if you can help trace out a route that would be nice

    NY guys, if you have an idea for us NE guys throw them out there as well.

    Lets get some new ideas for 2015!


  2. #2
    Dominique brought up this idea

  3. #3
    We should make Bolton Lake House Restaurant a regular spot every year. it makes for a nice lunch spot after a nice know cause I missed that one!!! dammit

  4. #4
    New England Drag way? Maybe look into a 2 hr rental of the track for the viper club? wonder if that's possible....that's would be pretty awesome....

  5. #5
    Events are just popping into my head, How about a random Thursday night event at Gillette Stadium, Have the Viper club represent there......Rusty says they pull about 1000+ cars there for their bi weekly car show...

    Look at the pictures....I know its a Thursday and you would have to leave work early.....but look at those turn outs!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    How about an NE vs. NY/CT Auto Cross Challenge @ Limerock Park next year? Just sayin'.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    How about an NE vs. NY/CT Auto Cross Challenge @ Limerock Park next year? Just sayin'.
    Hey Im up for it! Ill speak to Ed next year, would like to make a few NE/NY/CT events for sure.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Nashua, NH
    I've been to Toad Hall. I can tell you that the guy that owns it is a real character. He has a huge collection of British cars and they're all red. He's also into fine Scotch and cats. Yes, cats. He lets them have the run of the place and they're all over the cars!

  9. #9
    Possibly a Jimminy Peak meet with Alpine Slide racing ?
    With a side trip to the Hemmings store museum.


  10. #10
    In keeping with my 2008 NEVCA "Long Distance Runner Award" , I'm thinking of making the trip out to Michigan for the 2015 Woodward Dream Cruise. We just missed it when we were out there for the VOA Homecoming this year.
    It's an off year for a National Viper event so we need something "big". Also, if a 2016 Super Hell Snake is going to happen you can bet the farm that there will be one on display on Woodward at the SRT display. We have the route down pretty well with great hotels along the way. The roads through Canada are both scenic and smooth. It's two days out and two days back. I don't have dates yet but plan on late July.

  11. #11
    Hi Mike, I like your idea,Kerrie and I were on some portion of Woodward Ave when we were all in Detroit and I told her how that was the road to cruise on years ago,Martin would not kwow much about it but he`s just a pup,but yes they still have a big event there,maybe we could get some intrest going for that next year.Rusty.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    A weekend away at a Nice resort may be the Mount Washington, Or a Place in Maine ,Vermont

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    How about an NE vs. NY/CT Auto Cross Challenge @ Limerock Park next year? Just sayin'.
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin2000GTS View Post
    Hey Im up for it! Ill speak to Ed next year, would like to make a few NE/NY/CT events for sure.
    Absolutely! Tim and Dennis could use some teammates :-) You may need a tire sponsor though...

    Mystic Connecticut could make a cool drive and fish-fry hangout for both clubs together.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by EZ 2B Green View Post
    In keeping with my 2008 NEVCA "Long Distance Runner Award" , I'm thinking of making the trip out to Michigan for the 2015 Woodward Dream Cruise. We just missed it when we were out there for the VOA Homecoming this year.
    It's an off year for a National Viper event so we need something "big". Also, if a 2016 Super Hell Snake is going to happen you can bet the farm that there will be one on display on Woodward at the SRT display. We have the route down pretty well with great hotels along the way. The roads through Canada are both scenic and smooth. It's two days out and two days back. I don't have dates yet but plan on late July.
    I agree Mike. For me dates before the end of the year would be great.

  15. #15
    What about TOD, with the AL / Tenn club its the 10th anniversary end of may, and or a road trip up to Nova Scotia Mike and Rick could finaly taste some Cod tongue and checks .
    Last edited by NSviper; 10-09-2014 at 05:27 PM.

  16. #16
    Hey Sean! Where have you been? I'll try to get you dates before the end of the year for Woodward.
    I still haven't been able to find any Cod Tongues. I guess you will have to host us in NS!

  17. #17
    Ok, here is the tentative plan for the 2015 Woodward Dream Cruise. Depart New England 8/12/2015. Meet up with Canadian folks on 8/13 in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. Arrive in MI on 8/13. Spend 8/14 & 8/15 at Cruise activities. Depart MI on 8/16 back to Niagara on the Lake. Back home for the NE folks on 8/17.
    How's that Sean?

    Oh, I must remember to collect on my cookie bet from J-TNT.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by EZ 2B Green View Post
    Ok, here is the tentative plan for the 2015 Woodward Dream Cruise. Depart New England 8/12/2015. Meet up with Canadian folks on 8/13 in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. Arrive in MI on 8/13. Spend 8/14 & 8/15 at Cruise activities. Depart MI on 8/16 back to Niagara on the Lake. Back home for the NE folks on 8/17.
    How's that Sean?

    Oh, I must remember to collect on my cookie bet from J-TNT.
    That's great thanks Mike. I just have to put in for time off by the end of the year. So TOD or WDC or if I can swing it maybe both

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by EZ 2B Green View Post
    In keeping with my 2008 NEVCA "Long Distance Runner Award" , I'm thinking of making the trip out to Michigan for the 2015 Woodward Dream Cruise. We just missed it when we were out there for the VOA Homecoming this year.
    It's an off year for a National Viper event so we need something "big". Also, if a 2016 Super Hell Snake is going to happen you can bet the farm that there will be one on display on Woodward at the SRT display. We have the route down pretty well with great hotels along the way. The roads through Canada are both scenic and smooth. It's two days out and two days back. I don't have dates yet but plan on late July.
    Hey Mike I like your idea, lets talk about it at the xmas party.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by ssgsnake View Post
    A weekend away at a Nice resort may be the Mount Washington, Or a Place in Maine ,Vermont
    Mike, most likely doing mt washington for the fall foliage cruise. Mike you got lots of good ideas, why dont you take a event coordinator position. Could sure use the help. We have been putting some good events together for 2015, with lots of new ideas to run the club. You have some good ideas. let me know. Martin-

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by SlateEd View Post
    Absolutely! Tim and Dennis could use some teammates :-) You may need a tire sponsor though...

    Mystic Connecticut could make a cool drive and fish-fry hangout for both clubs together.
    Ed like the Mystic idea, we should plan the NY/NE events earlier before filling up our individual clubs calenders.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by NSviper View Post

    That's great thanks Mike. I just have to put in for time off by the end of the year. So TOD or WDC or if I can swing it maybe both
    Hey Sean & Mike, Im liking this event, would def wanna go back to MI....this time with a viper lol.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperVenomSC View Post
    I've been to Toad Hall. I can tell you that the guy that owns it is a real character. He has a huge collection of British cars and they're all red. He's also into fine Scotch and cats. Yes, cats. He lets them have the run of the place and they're all over the cars!

    Think its good enough to make an event out of it?


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Nashua, NH
    Hard to say. You'd have to check with the owner and people would would have to be interested in old British cars. He lets the cats crawl all over the cars and I'm pretty sure a lot of people (like me) wouldn't appreciate it. Might make a good side trip from the Heritage Plantation in Sandwich.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NSviper View Post
    What about TOD, with the AL / Tenn club its the 10th anniversary end of may, and or a road trip up to Nova Scotia Mike and Rick could finaly taste some Cod tongue and checks .

    You guys would love the TOD, we are already working events with the AL/TN guys for a huge 10 year anniversary event. Last year we did the Dragon twice, once Friday morning and then again Saturday. At the end, All the Vipers have a parade going down the streets of Gatlinburg. Great roads/food/shops and a chance to meet other Viper owners across the United States.

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