Does anyone have a good solution for polishing rails and logo on the valve covers without taking them off?
Does anyone have a good solution for polishing rails and logo on the valve covers without taking them off?
1500 grit sandpaper on a small block. Pepboys has this cool little foam block with sandpaper that attaches VIA Velcro.
I also use painters tape around the lettering just to be safe...
remember to take your time!!!!
You can start with something like Mother's Mag and Aluminum polish. Usually though, the lettering is corroded to the point where just straight polish doesn't work all that well. In that case, wetsanding with a block and 1500 grit sandpaper like Dave said is the ticket. If you want them mirror shiny, then after the 1500 step up to 2000, followed by a good metal polish. Be aware that the valve covers are magnesium and will re oxidize fairly quickly. After they're polished, a quick "touch up" polish once a month will keep them nice and shiny.
Meguiars makes really cool, hard little sanding blocks. They're like stone. Mine are 1000 & 2000 grit. They'll ride on top of the letters without touching the paint. Makes the letters look great...but it only lasts so long before it needs to be done again.
I leave mine in a tub of water and use a squirt bottle to keep the surface wet when sanding. I push a towel down between the valve cover and the exhaust manifold to catch the slop...the once done....just wipe down the valve covers.
Last edited by Matt M, Pa; 09-21-2014 at 08:53 AM.
Go to Adam's website, they sell a 2 part metal polish that is great, also a little rubbing makes the rag turn black, and they are reasonably priced....I have even used it on my pontoons on my boat, makes it look $.02
UPDATE...these are the blocks..nothing could be easier...
Those blocks look like just the ticket. Are they a solid stone of abrasive like a mold/die polishing stone, or is it just just a block coated with abrasive?
Bugman...they're a solid "stone"...I've been using mine for years with no noticeable wear...
What's great is that they are hard and glide over just the letters on the valve covers.