Houston Viper Club,
We have had several requests for a fall cruise to a winery. On Sunday October 5th, we are planning a cruise to Messina Hof Winery in Bryan. We will plan a cruise through the countryside with our final destination at Messina Hof Hill Country. The cost is $15 per person for the tour and wine tasting event. Please let us know if you are interested in attending.
4545 Old Reliance Rd, Bryan, TX 77808
Phone: (979) 778-9463
Fax: (979) 778-1729
E-mail: wine@messinahof.com
Web site: www.messinahofhillcountry.com [1]
Paul and Merrill Bonarrigo, Owners
Messina Hof was voted Best Texas Wine 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 Champion of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The Villa, a 10-room luxury country inn and The Vintage House Restaurant in our estate vineyard have received numerous media accolades as best romantic getaway and dining experience. Visit our new wine bar featuring current and library Messina Hof wines. A visit to Messina Hof is like a romantic journey to the European wine country. It features the perfect blend of Italian and German cultures in making premium wine in Texas. One hundred acres of gentle rolling hills and two wonderful lakes make a trip to Messina Hof romantic and unforgettable.