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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Cecil County, MD

    It's a jeep thing......

    Those of you who have ever driven/owned/or ridden in a wrangler for the last 30+ years know that for some reasons everyone waves to each other. I've own multiple wranglers and it gets tiresome but I still do it.

    So now I own a Viper. Obvious these things are rarely seen (at least in my neck of the woods) so I imagine if I ever saw one I would wave to the owner (especially since the day I bought it and was towing it home a newer model went out its way on the Jersey Turnpike)....but interestingly enough since I bought this car in March/April I have noticed older vette drivers wave to me???? What is with that?

  2. #2
    I wave to other Viper drivers but also wave to other North American sports car drivers. I think it is showing appreciation and acknowledgement for their nice cars

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    I give Ferrari Drivers a wave every now and again, It makes them feel better

  4. #4
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Jeep guy here too. Yep, it's a Jeep thing. Jeep guys get it..............

  5. #5
    I wave at vettes, vipers and older muscle cars.

  6. #6
    I have a Jeep also and down here on the coast there are a couple big jeep clubs....Thinking about getting one of those fake hands with a suction cup on it for the windshield..and let it do all the waving !!!...I wave to all the muscle cars .....Don't wave to those Souped up "Barbie Cars"......

  7. #7
    plumcrazy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    jeep guy here too. personally, Id never wave to anyone but im pretty dang grumpy

  8. #8

    Here is mine (not that anyone asked to post pics), but I friggin love it. Driving a Jeep enables you to have fun while going slow. I like having one car that just wants to flip over if I'm not careful, and another that just wants to slide out from behind me if I punch it with a little too much ego. Luckily, neither has happened...knock on wood! Oh and I totally do the Jeep wave. I haven't waved to Corvettes...but I have seen them turn their neck to watch me go by (which proves I've done the same to their car, guilty as charged).

  9. #9
    Back in the day when I'd drive my dads corvette, other vettes would flip their lights up at me and I'd flip em backk..but then the C6 came out and now the C7 and they no longer have the flip up I'm assuming that little nod has fallen by the way side. But pretty cool regardless..

    Then after my first "real" job I bought a Saleen Mustang - most mustangs owners did nothing, others - usually if they had a "suped-up" one would give me a tough look...I'd even wave sometimes and get nothing back..certainly possible they just didn't see me but none the less. I also noticed a lot of pick-up trucks would try to race me for some reason...subies too

    Now with the viper..well, I've never come across another viper.. unannounced anyway... but I think it's pretty obvious when that does occur - there will be a wave. But I wonder if there's something more unique for us viper guys, probably not. But if there is.. let me in on it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    We air cooled VW people started the whole wave thing way back when, everyone else started copying it. We're naturally friendly people(which I blame as a hold over from the stupid hippys). I once read on a Porsche site that there are rules for Porsche waving. You're not supposed to wave at cars that are higher up the chain than yours. So, if you drive a lowly 914, you can't wave at 911s, and the Boxster guys aren't supposed to wave at 996 drivers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Marietta OH IO
    Boxster and 914 are going to be if not already more sought after then the 996. I sold a ton of jeeps and it was always funny when test driving a wrangler. The buyers usually were not sure what was happening. But then they started to look forward to it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by Bugman Jeff View Post
    We air cooled VW people started the whole wave thing way back when, everyone else started copying it. We're naturally friendly people(which I blame as a hold over from the stupid hippys). I once read on a Porsche site that there are rules for Porsche waving. You're not supposed to wave at cars that are higher up the chain than yours. So, if you drive a lowly 914, you can't wave at 911s, and the Boxster guys aren't supposed to wave at 996 drivers.
    Nope, us Biker guys started the ball rolling

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    Nope, us Biker guys started the ball rolling
    100% correct.

    When my Triumph TR6 Trophy Sports 650 broke down (which happened any day ending in 'y'), I waved at everybody for help.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    I ride motorcycles and the waving thing is rampant in that scene. I've never encountered another Viper owner (except at events), but if I do, I'll wave. Corvette owners wave to me all the time in the Viper, I do not wave back... I've gotten the waves and nods from Ferarri drivers, I wave back to them..
    Last edited by PatrickB; 09-30-2014 at 07:28 AM.

  15. #15
    I give a thumbs up or a wave to all clean performance cars.

  16. #16
    Save the wave.
    Corvette thing, wrangler thing, biker thing. If I catch a wave I try and acknowledge back no matter what I'm driving or they are driving.



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