First I would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote in this historic move for the South Central Texas Viper Club. I know there has been a LOT of information to take in, and I thank you for reading over it all and making your own opinion to cast your vote.
South Central Texas Viper Club's majority voted to join the Viper Owners Association as an official region. As of January 1st 2014 South Central Texas Viper Club will break all ties with VCA and become affiliated with VOA.
What this means for you as a member:
You are currently a VCA member until New Years 2013, however if you renew your VCA membership for 2014 I have no idea where your dues money will go as our VCA region is dissolved as of midnight Dec 31st 2013.
You will have the opportunity to join the VOA very soon for 2014, of which there is a local region that your dues will go to for events such as the Southwest Rendezvous, Christmas party and other meals and entertainment.
A full list of VOA member benefits will come out with the finalized bylaws very soon. And YES for all that have been asking, there will be a professional magazine for the VOA, it will be a quarterly publication.
I understand there were several of you that voted to stay independent. I certainly respect that and your board is working on ways that we can have you be an official member of our local region only. This may take some time to work out so please be patient.
With the switch to VOA we are seeking one or more people who are interested in moving our website to a new domain name as well as a redesign of our webpage. Anyone interested in working on this project please reply to this email, the entire region would greatly appreciate it!