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Great show and good seeing you guys. Sorry I wasn't able to hang out more but I had a bunch of family and friends that kept arriving to the show and wanted to meet at my car. I never even got to take a full walk around the grounds to see everything, but from what I saw, there were some of the most amazing cars on the planet at this event. And I loved the new Bumblebee Charlie!!! Congrats!!!
PS: Maybe it was just where I was parked, but there seemed to be an abundance of snobby and deuschbaggy guys at the show this year. The Ferrari owners near my car refused to even speak to me when I went over to compliment them on their cars as if owning a Viper meant I was a lower life form such as the slime on their shoes, and a few of the Lambo owners near me fired up their engines every 10 minutes as if it was a scheduled Disney ride and revved their engines to redline while blasting rap music. I haven't seen people so needing attention since I was in high school from some of the most insecure kids trying to prove they had bigger willies than they actually had. And guess who won all the trophies? Exactly those guys.....