Originally Posted by
JonB ~ PartsRack
Every year about this time, a cold snap (like in TX today) on a clear day BITES a Viper owner.
I get the sad calls about insurance / repairs/totals. Etc.
"I just lost it" is a common diagnosis. NEWBEES especially, be wary.....
Recent Owners Manuals even address the issue of tire-temps and I believe the G4 Vipers with Michelin PS2 and PSS carry a 38f warning, that traction is diminished. Sport Cups are even worse. And as temps drop, so do your tire pressures!
Even on newer tires, the cold makes the rubber hard, less flexible-grippy. If the pavement is cold you wont build any appreciable heat at highway speeds. (concrete is much colder than asphault) You could snap-spin the car using on-ramps, off-ramps, and higher-G turns.
Tires that are 3+ years old are even WORSE!
And no, "Scrubbing" tires in yur cul-de-sac before you hit the interstate wont work.
So be careful out there, when the sun is beckoning and the roads are cold and dry......