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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Spring, Texas

    2015 Vette option with valet camera!! $$ Dumb

    I cannot believe the new expensive option the 2015 Corvette is offering with a camera in the windshield border for the purpose of letting owners know where and how fast a valet guy takes the car. Who in their right mind would pay for this or even let the car go in the hands of a valet. Then have to take the time to view the video and confront the valet guy because you did not like what you see. All this electronic crap these days makes me miss even more the good ole days in a simple performance car.

  2. #2
    Wow, what a fantastic example of adding the tech "just because you can" without any regard for whether it makes sense.
    I would think you could just drive the Buick instead of the Corvette if you're going someplace with a valet, right?

  3. #3
    You do realize this is mainly a feature to record you on the track, which incorporates a lot of the cars vitals to go along with audio and video.

    This valet thing is just a secondary feature the media has picked up on, which I happen to think is also a great idea for the record.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Georgetown, IL
    I myself agree, and think it would be a nice feature. Especially with all the Dealership Abuse videos hitting YouTube while the car is in for service.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Spring, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by AbsolutHank View Post
    You do realize this is mainly a feature to record you on the track, which incorporates a lot of the cars vitals to go along with audio and video.

    This valet thing is just a secondary feature the media has picked up on, which I happen to think is also a great idea for the record. Are you sure about that as this article states there is another camera option near the mirror for the purpose of track video info which IS very cool. The other option I mentioned states its along the windshield border for valet use. There are many posts on google about the two.



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