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Thanks for the help guys. I appreciate the step by step. Pretty sure this is about how I did it last time. Any chance someone would be willing to take a few pics of the process? I would gladly send you a Starbucks gift card (or something to that effect) as a thank you.
Also, I have 2 sets of jack stands. Same brand (made in USA) but not the most expensive ones I could find. Each rated at more than the entire Viper weighs. But perhaps they were a slightly different model or something like that, because two of them are slightly shorter than the others. They are off by about 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Putting the front or rear that slight bit higher or lower...bad idea or no big deal? If needed , I will make sure to get 4 that match exactly but perhaps these were made at different times or were just a slightly different model. It was 2 sets of 2. I just was wondering if it is dangerous, even when that small of a difference. Thanks again guys. No shortage of good people on this club.