Hey guys not sure how many of you AutoX but it's a great way to throw the car around and get comfortable with vehicle dynamics. The Texas A&M Sports Car Club puts on multiple organized timed events during the school year, but offers summer "practice" sessions so come out and make unlimited runs.

They tend to set up longer and faster autocross courses than the typical parking lot course allowing you to use a bit more of the Viper power band. There are no poles or barriers to potentially damage cars so it's a great place to come out and goof off.

Cost is $20 a car (driver and passenger) and you can run as many times as you like. There's everything from Miata's to Vettes, Mustangs to Race cars. No classes during the summer sessions just run what you brung.

I usually get out there early and grab a late lunch on the way out.

Here's a schedule of events from the TAMSCC:

The event will be located at the A&M Riverside Annex near the intersection of Highways 21 and 47.

A breakdown of each day's schedule:

Saturday and Sunday, July 26th-27th.
Gate/Tech opens: 8:30 am
First car out: ~9:15 am.
Gate closes: ~2:00 pm
Tech closes: ~2:30 pm.
Event shut-down: ~4:15 pm

There is no preregistration required for this event; show up, pass tech, and drive! We will have loaner helmets available if needed.

Here's a Video of my car at the last event: