quick question
Which is the best location pros and cons for the position? In the header tube or in the collector ?
quick question
Which is the best location pros and cons for the position? In the header tube or in the collector ?
In general the collector would be your best bet, gives you a sampling site at the convergence of all primaries rather than having a value based off one cylinder only.
my car seems to have a surge while driving now... moved from single header tube to collector.
was getting rich codes with installed in the single tube location
collector. you'll need to splice in about 8-12" of wire. there is a company that makes an pigtail extension, but some recommend splicing instead due to extra length and one more connection to possibly interfere with transfer of data from sensor to ECU, etc. minimal, but.....
On the bend, slight uphill tip to dump moisture back into the pipe. Angle has to be right to fit into the body works.
Last edited by Damn Yankee; 10-08-2014 at 01:47 PM.