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Thread: Am I crazy

  1. #1

    Am I crazy

    I have a habit of buying cars and getting over them even when they are great. So I have had this gts for almost a year and a half and I love the thing. I just cant justify spending money on it that I never will get back by doing the heads, suspension ect. that I would like on the car. I seems that you can truly only experience this car on tracks. Because of work and lack of funds/ too nice of example of viper, I wouldn't justify tracking a car that only has 13k miles now. I dunno, you get kinda over the speed and yeah you can pitch out the side around corners. I love how the car communicates with the throttle like a Miata with a ton of power. I just feel I am being drawn back into even more classic cars as the whole drive a slow car fast mentality. I mean you can only do a rapid accel to a hundred so many times before if is a one trick pony. I hope my move back down the coast from Washington to so cal along the 1 makes me fall in love like a did a year ago. Cause if not im just gonna start collecting old p-cars and british Leyland types. You can drive those as fast as they go and not be breaking the law all the time. I dunno am I crazy for getting over a car as bad ass as a viper. Im happy I didn't get a Ferrari or lambo cause that probably would have happened to me also and I am not confident enough to do the work I have done to the viper on one of those.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    you crazzzzy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Westfield, IN
    Put it away for a month. Then go back to driving it, you'll be in love all over again

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Miata View Post
    I dunno am I crazy for getting over a car as bad ass as a viper. Im happy I didn't get a Ferrari or lambo cause that probably would have happened to me also and I am not confident enough to do the work I have done to the viper on one of those.
    No you are not crazy, it's in your nature to be bored....

  5. #5
    I'm guessing you're not married.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Saskatchewan Canada
    I have the same disease. I get bored very easy with every car I have. Just bought a Voo Doo ACR this summer and already thinking of selling. I have a max attention span of about 1 year and then its time for something else. Actually I have a 66 Cobra that Ive had for 2 years now and still love it. Even more than the Viper so it will stay with me for at least another year lol.. The ACR is my 3rd Viper and I think if I were to get another one it would be a Gen 2 again. Ive had the Gen 2 3 and 4 now and the Gen 2 was my favorite. The Gen 5 doesnt do much for me so unless they come up with some race version to really set it apart I think I'll be going backwards.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    You say you have a GTS: Gen 2? Gen 5?

    I used to have the British fever, BAD: MGs, Triumphs, Jags, and then Lotus. I visited factories in both Coventry and Hethel, and Jaq HQ of Team 44 in Livonia NJ. I HAD IT BAD !!!

    I also remember LOTS of problematic repairs at I time when I did most of them myself. {Lucas, Prince Of Darkness}

    I have NO issues with Viper repairs, and I see my Vipers thru my own senses, as well as thru the eyes of OTHER beholders now. SHARING the car is a highlight for me. Not many folks on the 101 will photograph you in most Brit cars. With few exceptions, (E-Type Series 1-2) they are not stunning enough to clog traffic. A Viper, especially a winged serpent, is a rolling concourse 'd elegance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. #8
    You're not crazy, I bought and sold 14 hobby cars in 12 years, once I drive it home...I'm thinking what possibly could be next, but take me on my word, it becomes less in time...the bucket list gets shorter and at some point you have had everything within your acceptable budget and stick onto a car a bit longer (14 months instead of 8 )...because every 2 years something new comes in sight of the budget and it starts all over again.

    See it as a positive thing (when you're not filthy rich that is) if you keep having cars on your list, you keep dreaming and enjoying cars, if you'd have the budget to buy everything at once, what's the fun of that, the dreaming of a new/ the next car is gone and that's a big part of the automotive hobby I think. Somewhat glad I'm not that rich

  9. #9
    The same thing happened to me. I have wanted a Viper since they came out. I toyed with the idea for years. I finally pulled the trigger on a Gen-2, Sapphire Blue, ACR with 3,000 miles. About 2 years later, I was thinking about selling it. My fix was to swap exhaust - Corsa, Belanger, Random Tech. Now i love it again. It just turned 45,000 miles. Next, I want to swap gears and fix that damn skip shift.



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