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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    White Mnts of NH

    VOA-NE - 9th Annual Clambake - Aug. 3rd

    I can’t believe it; the annual clambake is upon us. It is the 9th annual event that Glenn and Maria Cote started oh so many years ago. This year's event is being held at the Ruiz home in Peabody, MA.

    If you have never attended this event, then you need to know this is an event not to be missed. Last year we had over 25 cars. We want to hit 30 this year. Hence some changes below.

    Chris will start us off with a cruise on the back roads of southern NH going into northern MA. We will eventually end up at the Ruiz’s Home. When we arrive you’ll be treated with a full fledge New England Clambake. Your choice is a lobster, chicken, or steak as the main course with ¼ lb of steamers. Of course there will be salad, corn, mac salad, along with desserts, and drinks, etc.

    The cost of the clambake is $25.00 per person. Let us know your food choices when RSVP'ing.

    We need to have the reservations back ASAP (RSVP by 7/30/13). We will collect the money at the event. This event is rain or shine. So if you reply saying you’re going, please show up or I will eat your lobster...

    See eVite for event details (starting point and time). The cruise is the second half of Martin's that we didn't get to do earlier this month.
    Please bring your 2 way radios if you have them. This is one of our most famous events of the year with lots of cars.

    Food choices:

    Evite Instructions: When you get the evite email, click Yes, or No. That will take you right to evite where you can then fill in the number of guest attending the event (1 for you, 2 for you and a guest). This step is critical. You can then also enter a comment. In this case please enter all guests food preferences (lobster, steak, chicken).

  2. #2
    Looking forward to seeing everyone, bring bathing suits & a towel if you want to swim Chris has a nice in ground pool!!! See everyone on Sunday Funday

  3. #3
    please message me if you did not receive an evite for this event of if you have any questions.

  4. #4
    Hey guys,

    Its been a while since we have had a big event, hopefully we can all get out Sunday and catch up. I have tons of great stories from the NVE in Detroit last week, best time of my life (this is the truth and I didn't even have my car). I hope in 2016 our whole club can represent New England in New Orleans for NVE2.

    Weather looks good for this Sunday 77 degrees. Please sign up by tomorrow night on the evite that was sent out if you want to go to this event, that way we can get the food situation sorted out in time. Also feel free to bring a bathing suit and swim in Chris's nice pool! Also exact change ($25 pp) would be appreciated.

    We will have steaks, chicken, lobster, steamers, a few sides, beers soda, water, etc. When RSVP'ing on the evite please make sure to put your meal choices for you and your guest. (Rod and Sharon please update on the evite)

    I have a good ride for Sunday, its actually the 2nd half of the ride that we didn't finish from Dominique's event. The roads are smooth, and there are some nice turns, also some awesome houses to see. , there's just one tough street that we all have to cross (Rt 114) , other than that easy nice ride.

    I propose 2 meeting points for Sunday
    10 am @ Sams Club 11 Batcheldor Rd, Seabrook, NH 03874 Leave approximately 10:30 and head South on 95S

    2nd meeting spot for people not coming from the North (this will save you about 20 minutes) There is a rest stop between exit 53 (Rt 97) and 54 (Rt 133) please meet us on the Southbound side for departure around 11 am. Please be there by 10:30 to be safe. Just a heads up this is not a nice rest stop with shade, bathroom, food is nothing but a big parking lot.

    Keep my cell phone number handy in case you need to call me - 978-979-8967

    Hope to see many of you there.


  5. #5
    Currently we have 14 vipers / 26 people signed up. Chris' house has parking for about 20 cars max (20 cars can safely park off the road) any more than that you would have to park on the road (not that its that busy of a road. Please sign up on the evite or on this thread asap so we can organize table/chairs/food etc.


  6. #6
    Currently we are at 17 vipers + me (viperless) 18 members! and a total of 33 people (includes guests), that's great!, We weren't expecting that much haha but the more the merrier. Today is the last day to sign up on the evite, if you did not get the evite let me know asap! We have safe off road parking for 20 vipers, any last minute sign ups will have to park on the main road in front of the house, the road is actually a really wide single lane road which is plenty safe in my opinion but just wanted to make that known. Any questions let me know!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Pelham NH
    Martin ur Viperless?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    White Mnts of NH
    This is going to be one great event. We have a surprise for you too... Don't miss it, sign up tonight or for ever wish you had gone.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by HEADCSE View Post
    Martin ur Viperless?
    yep sore subject! but shes gona be back any day faster and better than ever!

    we are up to 18 vipers 19 voa members! 35 people total!


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Wot! View Post
    This is going to be one great event. We have a surprise for you too... Don't miss it, sign up tonight or for ever wish you had gone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin2000GTS View Post
    yep sore subject! but shes gona be back any day faster and better than ever!

    we are up to 18 vipers 19 voa members! 35 people total!

    Whhaaa I can't believe I'm going to miss this!!! Even without the "surprise" I know I'm going to miss an awesome event. I will be there in spirit and I wish everone a wonderful and safe cruise/clambake.
    Martin, I like your positive attitude! Think like a winner! Have fun Sunday and keep an eye on "the Dinosaur" for me!
    xoxo to all,

  11. #11
    Hey NE Friends - I wish I could join you all for this one, looks like a blast, and one of your signature events. Next year for sure. Have a great drive / party!


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie View Post
    Whhaaa I can't believe I'm going to miss this!!! Even without the "surprise" I know I'm going to miss an awesome event. I will be there in spirit and I wish everone a wonderful and safe cruise/clambake.
    Martin, I like your positive attitude! Think like a winner! Have fun Sunday and keep an eye on "the Dinosaur" for me!
    xoxo to all,
    Kerrie, the Dinosaur is leading the pack Sunday on the ride!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by SlateEd View Post
    Hey NE Friends - I wish I could join you all for this one, looks like a blast, and one of your signature events. Next year for sure. Have a great drive / party!

    Ed, you and Courtney are always invited, you guys can stay at my place overnight the night before anytime if you wanna hit up any of our events . Just let me know.


  14. #14
    Yesterdays event was awesome. Everyone showed up 17-18 vipers?. Anyone that has pictures post them up cause I didn't take any!! Nice meeting HEADCSE and TIM M ! Hopefully you guys make it out to more events this year!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Merrimack, NH


    Some pics from my family photographer Nancie (1 of 2).
    Attached Images Attached Images

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Merrimack, NH


    More pics from my family photographer Nancie (2 of 2).
    Attached Images Attached Images

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    White Mnts of NH
    I can't believe we missed it!!!

    HEADCSE had a birthday today.

    Happy birthday!

    Wish I had noticed that yesterday...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Pelham NH
    Thanks but I'm hoping 40 is the new 20! My daughter and I really enjoyed the day with the club.

  19. #19
    Wish I could have made it! Looks like it was a blast.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Eastern MA
    The Clambake was a terrific time. This club has a great group of people. Looking forward to the next event.




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