OK - back home, got some much needed sleep. Almost feel human.
First off- it was absolutely amazing to meet so many of you and to put some faces with names. We've interacted so long on the forums, and I felt like I knew you - but so nice to be able to see everyone's smile.
Secondly - the event initially didn't start out to be such a "big production" because we didn't think we could pull it off. And then Maurice got turned loose. He is truly a force to be reckoned with. Randall worked with Tim and Wilson Printing on so many items, the packets were awesome - along with all the maps, other activities, etc. Brad freaking out on budget

, Alex handling all the registration issues and keeping the puts and takes / cancellations, etc.
One item about Randall - I am personally so APPRECIATIVE of Randall's efforts to ensure that the door prize drawing was done with all the i's dotted and the t's crossed. Having independent validation of the process, and working with Bob Bierman and Alex on the live feed - well - it was done very professionally - and helped all all the legitimacy that this organization strives for. Well done.
Thanks to all who attended and made this event such a success. there were snags - yes - but we were all volunteers and moving as fast as we could. We've learned a lot ofter this - and Ed Bowser will be hosting a lessons learned session to ensure that we build on this for NVE 2 in NOLA. Everyone had such positive energy - it reminded us all of why we love this car club - because of the people. It's so much easier to do all this work when you can do it for such great folks, and see people having such a great time.