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  1. #51
    First off we want to thank everybody for coming out to our facility yesterday for the first JTM / ARH Dyno day!! Shellie, Chris Matt & Myself, were honored to have such a great group of people at the shop & are extremely honored to be apart of such a great club!! We could not have asked for a better turnout & look forward to many more. We hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did. When the show ended and all was cleaned up in the shop, our entire crew including Nick from ARH sat around the shop and talked about what a great time we had!! We will be posting up the pics and videos we have from this event. If anybody has any questions or needs anything that we can help with please feel free to contact us @ 631-392-1135!
    Thank You
    JTM Motorsports!

  2. #52
    Guys and Gals, I too would like to extend a huge thanks to all that took the time to visit us on what turned out to be a beautiful day. It was great seeing your awesome Viper's strapped to the dyno and making horsepower. I hope the tour of the ARH facility was as enjoyable for you as it was for me. Clearly there's much going on here and I can't think of a nicer group of hot rodders to share the ARH experience with. Down the road we'll do this again and maybe even plan a meet out at Claudio's in Greenport. I'll buy the first round.

    All the best to everyone and enjoy the rest of the summer!


  3. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The tour was awesome! Thank you Nick. It's clear your passion shines through the entire operation and product. I want a set of ARH headers. This coming winter I'll be in contact.

  4. #54
    So who has the biggest dyno queen here

  5. #55
    Here are a few more pics from the dyno day!

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