I received this PM. Who voted to "add this rule" and why?Please be advised that all forum members are now being restricted to a maximum of 3 classified advertisements at any one time. There is presently no restriction on the total number of ads, so as long as you keep your ad total to not more than 3 (at any one time), you can replace any of those three at any time.
We will allow your EXISTING ads to continue, however any NEW ads will are prohibited (and will be removed) until your total is reduced to 3.
Extenuating "hardship cases" (such as the need to parting out totaled vehicle) will be considered. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM any of the moderators.
This message is being sent to all, and only those, that are presently over the limit.
I have never been on a forum that restricts the number of ads a member can make, let alone a paying forum/club member.
I guess you can chalk me up as one who disagrees with it 100%. It wasn't a rule when I signed up, it wasn't a rule when I paid my membership dues.