To be honest, I am not joining any car club and pay dues any more. Event charges, sure, but there are too many folks out there to drive with that I do not need formal entity to be "a part of."

Due to political discourse, we can no longer move forward with our plan for "a North Texas club for everybody" and thus will need to have another vote for our future direction of North Texas Viper Club. Please let us know which direction our club should take with your vote below.

* Please vote as you personally feel is right for you. Results of the voting will be published for all to view:

remain a VCA member
become a VOA member
be an independent North Texas Viper member

Things you need to be aware of when voting:

If the Club remains a VCA regional club: Members can either join the VCA or join as a local non-VCA member and so without national VCA benefits (magazine, VCA forum, raffle).

If the Club becomes a VOA regional club: All members must join and pay dues to the VOA. Any current members who wish to remain in the VCA would no longer be a part of this club. There is no local membership option. With this option, you have only VOA members.

If the Club becomes an independent club with NO national affiliation. Members pay dues directly to the club with 100% of the dues remaining in the club. There are no national club benefits since there is no national club affiliation. The local club events continue as they have in the past. As an independent car club, any member may separately join either the VCA or VOA on their own and at their own expense. VCA and VOA activities would not be a part of this club.