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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Long Island, NY

    Picked up my 02 Graphite Gray

    Well it finally happened, I picked up my 2002 Viper GTS Stripped Graphite Gray yesterday. It was everything I was expecting and much, much more.

    I just want to first give a shout out to BrentsGTS on the forums. He's a great guy and has a great car. If he decides to sell it, then someone is in for a treat.

    A couple of weeks ago I came across an Ebay ad for this car from a local used car dealer. At first I dismissed it, since the price seemed a bit high (usual LI premium). After a great deal fell through from a local, private seller who suddenly stopped returning my calls. I was bummed out that day and was hell bent on physically checking out a Viper. I went to the used car lot, and there she was, sitting right smack in the front for the world to see.

    I walked in with no intention of purchasing the car. I told myself, whatever they offer, say no. I was probably there for a half hour and had 3 salesman trying to work me over. As I was finally walking out, they blurted out a very reasonable number and I still said no. Well I went back 2 days later and put a deposit down agreed to purchase contingently upon passing a PPI.

    The car ended up needing some ABS sensor replaced and was in need of a door hinge adjustment. Everything else came back excellent (tires have about 65% and are 3 years old). It spent a few days at the mechanic and everything was fixed.

    Well I finally picked her up yesterday. This was the first time that I had actually drove a viper and was nervous to take her home. I drove her cautiously for my long 7 mile journey home. I got out, shook out the shakes, made some cockpit adjustments and took her back out. Within 5 minutes, I felt like I had been driving her my whole life. It's just an amazing car and experience. It actually reminds me of driving my Talon due to the heavier clutch pedal and complete rawness of the drive. I also thought the suspension would be less forgiving, but is comparable to the stiffness of my Mazda.

    She certainly turns a lot of heads, including the local PD . I actually lined up against a new Ferrari at one point and the driver ended up looking over at me and gave me the thumbs up.

    Well enough blabber, here are some pics!

    Can anyone tell what exhaust this is from the pics? Also, in the last pic, there is something that looks like a microphone on the dash. I'm guessing that hooks up to the head unit for calls? From what I can see, the car is bone stock except for exhaust, short shifter and Stereo system.
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