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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    Radio Purchase Recommendation

    After much research into which radio would be best for a Viper caravan, we finally came up with a winner.

    This radio has the best long distance range on the market. Folks in caravans wrote in the reviews that they had 1.5 - 2 mile range while on the road. They have a long battery life with an included car charger for long trips or if you forgot to charge it overnight. There is also a group talk feature where you can assign role names to each radio and send private calls to certain people in the group.

    There is little to no price advantage in purchasing these radios in bulk so it will be an individual purchase.

    $57 and free shipping includes two radios, two batteries, two earphones, station charger, car charger and the ability to talk with fellow viper owners on a caravan!

    Shoot, Move and Communicate. That's the sound of artillery!

  2. #2
    Nice find. Ive been looking for a good radio and the price isn't bad either. Just curious, is this the one you use? Im sure other people will chime in with the ones that they use.

  3. #3
    I use BK radios but I wouldn't recommend them. these ones had the best reviews and seemed most appropriate for caravan operations

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    St Augustine
    sounds good, i'll be looking into them. thanks Seth!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    North Carolina
    Thanks Seth! Nice job with the research. These are great...and a worthy investment especially while caravaning! We recommend all members purchase a set of these radios so we can have effective communications while on the road together. We have several upcoming long distance trips including Myrtle Beach, Biltmore, etc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Willow Spring, North Carolina
    Bought them today. They will be here tomorrow. More cool stuff to play with.

  7. #7
    I bought mine right after I posted the thread and they should be here on Monday. going to give one to my neighbor so we can play cops and robbers later



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