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  1. #1

    Gen 5 steering wheel on a gen 3/4 ?

    Yes it will fit so far so good, Got a hold of a gen 5 wheel just to see if it will work pic
    IMG_0388.jpg IMG_0389.jpg IMG_0387.jpg

    Im still working on the airbag I will have one next week to play with, the feel of the wheel is exellent, and it changes the look of our interiors big time. Over the years I have done few different wheels on my car Alcantara flat bottom Carbon fiber lambo grips flat bottom not sure wich one Im going to keep but few of them will be

    IMG_0390.jpg IMG_0391.jpg

    If you have a gen 2 the wheel will work but the gide key needs to be filed down, can be done with a dremmel tool, the carbon fiber wheel on the pic can work on a gen2,3,4.
    Last edited by cubican; 06-19-2014 at 08:30 PM.



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