Make sure that the guy knows to make note of where all the shims are as he takes out the fasteners on the fascia so he can put them back.
Make sure that the guy knows to make note of where all the shims are as he takes out the fasteners on the fascia so he can put them back.
Last edited by AZTVR; 06-02-2014 at 11:52 PM. Reason: spllgn
Man that sucks. Sorry to hear and see that. I know you pain. Mine though was a 4x4 chunk of wood off the back of a construction truck. Both passenger wheels and tires were toast.
That hurts.. hope you get it sorted out and back in good shape.
Making progress
Damn that pic looks like a shark.
2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
2022 BMW X5M Comp
Resident Misanthrope
Progress looks good ..... then get the 3m clear chip guard protector.
Maryland Police, much like VA Police, too busy surfing for tickets to write rather than keeping people safe.
dodgestang, reference the highway patrol, I see this all the time in Texas where one just drives by huge unsafe objects on the road, and does not stop. Yet they always talk about highway safety. BS. I have seen stoves, mattresses, tires, and other large items that have fallen out of trucks on the highway with drivers veering to avoid, then one of Texas finest just drives right around it. Oh, I forgot, there would be no monetary reward like a ticket to the state by moving the dangerous item off the road side.
Hopefully tomorrow it will get reassembled.
Looks like everything is coming along nicely. Really interested to see how well they color match it. I will want to have mine repainted down the road, just worry about the matching of the blue(heard it's a pain), and getting it shimmed the same. I am one of the lucky ones with no big gaps.
The color match is being a pain. The car had been repainted previously in the front....and who ever did it.....did it the wrong color.... AKA when the shop bought/ordered 96 viper blue it is a slightly different shade than the rest of the hood and the front valance. I had noticed prior that the one vent on the hood (the only thing on the hood that hadn't been repainted) looked a little 'off' previously. That is why instead of just respraying the whole lower valance like they were planning, they are blending/feathering it out and then re-clearing. If I didn't know the painter personally....I would be worried...but I'm confident he'll do it well. At the same time.....I bought this car with the history it had for one drive it as often as I can.....and they won't be able to see at 80 mph
I also had poor installation previously with a very large gap on the passenger side which I hope to see some satisfactory gains on [fingers crossed]
Last edited by dodgestang; 06-11-2014 at 11:36 PM.
Not sure if the video will work for you.....but
On to reassembly
All patched up. Picked it up on a rainy dreary day. Hoping to get some sunny shots over the weekend. Overall it looks pretty good to me.
For comparison:
They spent time on the hood and gaps....and while it isn't actually looks a hell of a lot better than it did when I bought it
In all regards....the way it sits over the passenger lights, the way the stripes line up, the gap is a lot smaller, and the body line where the hood runs along the back edge of the front valance is straight and even now.
Looks like that shop did a nice job for you.
Is that a '67 Shelby in the garage?
It is a 67 Shelby....clone That is originally a 68 'S' code 390GT
Good that it's done and back home! Looks great and the rain will help cure the paint.
2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
2022 BMW X5M Comp
Resident Misanthrope
Looks like they did a good job, and the hood gaps look way better. Maybe I missed it, but did you have your insurance cover this, or pay out of pocket? Price? If you don't mind sharing.
Yeah just a little....but it has got a little better.
Awesome. Glad it worked out for you. I was biting my tongue, but for 3K I'd have told them to pound sand unless they were fixing structural damage too.I paid $1300.