I noticed the VCA & VCO follow some of the same categories, which I had always found somewhat fragmented when trying to keep up to date on the latest in engine mods or performance offerings.
As a guy who is keenly interested in one particular thing (the engine) I find it hard to keep up to date with the newest discussion & tips on the engine. I would love to see categories dedicated to such things rather than two performance categories + General GEN 1/2/3/4/5 catagories to fit all of the various components & discussion.

When good information about say snapped rear knuckle pops up I quickly find it buried by the random threads about girl with viper pictures. It would be better categorized in suspension discussion.

An example of the new system

General Discussion

Anything viper *no technical talk


Engine * Exhaust Intake Pistons Camshafts Crankshafts Throttle Bodies Cooling

Fuel * Injectors Pumps Regulators

Drivetrain * Transmission Differentials

Tuning & Electronics * Standalone Tuners SCT

Brakes & Suspension * Lowering springs adjustable suspension

Nitrous * obvious

I suggest this because many gen 1/2/3/4/5 parts are interchangeable to some degree in our vehicles.
Having both a Gen 1/2/3/4/5 discussion and the tire, wheel, brake and suspension and performance modifications becomes confusing and redundant.

Also I don't know how the sponsors work but I believe it would be in their interests to sticky group buys in the relating categories rather than hidden in their dedicated discussion forum. At least we will get to see that X-company that makes a new engine-Product will be in engine-Category for all the people who are interested in engine-information.