It's a "stanchion close out panel". They used to be avaiable from Chrysler as I replaced both of mine a few years ago. It's replaced as one piece that is held on by something like 5 screws...yours (like many others) has cracked into pieces. completely surrounded that "stud". I did a quick check on the VPA site (I know, I know) and they only list the passenger side. If you go to the VPA site and search on "closeout panel" can at least see what it should look like.
Thank you. That is very helpful.
If you find the drivers side, I need to replace mine as well. In fact, I should just replace both of them as they are both cracked around the screw holes. Looks like someone before me tightened the screws down too much over winter or something.
There was a guy on the other site, goes by GRANGER73, he used to have a lot of older parts...not sure if he is posting here as well ?? Good luck !
I found the driver side but I guess there are a few different kinds. Mine has a larger hole then some of the other ones. I am working with them now to make sure I get the right one. Try They have some in stock at 150 per side. But don't take the one I need!!!
Well I am still looking. One place is looking in a donor viper for the part. No one else seems to carry the right one for mine. X2builder is holding on to the one they have to try and make reproductions of it.
Check these guys out, it's under BODY HARDWARE, if you can identify the part, you can identify the number and the price.
Thank you for this picture. I have contacted many companies that show this diagram but all they do is order the part. However the part was discontinued last year so I have not been able to find anyone with it in stock. The best I can tell it it is part number 5 in the photo. However it is located on the backside of part number 4 which is opposite of what the photo shows. The best I can tell is that x2builder has a style that differed slightly from my design. However they are going to try and reproduce them and offer them. I am keeping my fingers crossed for some luck.
Hmm.. you might be right. I thought it was part no 13 at first.
Last edited by Viper Red; 06-10-2014 at 12:12 PM.
Awesome Sports Guy!
That appears to be it - MOULDING, Stanchion Closeout Panel (L and R) -$56.27/ea
Let's hope the source has these in stock. Most of these sites are dealers. I am still having no luck finding a simple antenna mast cause the source stopped making them.
I sincerely hope for the sake of the OP, that these guys indeed have "overstock"
Could try Don's Viper graveyard...
And they are understocked. Same thing as everyone else. However that is the exact part I am needing. Thanks flyingskibiker.
- - - Updated - - -
Every one at dons has been taken off already. Thanks though.
It is these plastic types of parts that are going to be a major issue for Viper owners in the future. This plastic crap does not last like aluminum, steel, carbon fiber, etc. Add heat, Viper levels of heat and it just deteriates at a rapid pace. If someone is going to reproduce it, just do it out of carbon fiber or aluminum, and forgo the plastic. If you must use plastic, then a much heavier grade would be nice. The factory piece is pretty weak.
I called shortly after you posted this up. They are just like going to your local dodge dealer. They pull it up and shows no stock anywhere in the country. But I don't thank you for the help.
Okay so it is a unbelievable simple part. Who is going to make a run of 50 for each side? Betcha they sell out in a couple of months. Many Vipers of this vintage need them. Come on we don't want to look like our cars are from Cuba, stuck together with duck tape now do we?
Oh. Crud.
The real problem is it's not a flat has complex curves, etc. A mold would have to be made, etc. The real problem is that unless someone can guarantee they'll sell XXX of's not worth the set-up, etc. It may look like a simple thing...but it's really not.
Issues like these make me very worried now. Damn
Find someone who can scan the original part and 3D print it.
Someone brought this up to me before. First I would have to borrow the piece off someone as mine is missing parts. Second I have no clue where to get this done at. But thanks for the idea.
Glue; .... plastic epoxy for the cheap fix... Good luck.