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  1. #126
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    So you come trolling from the Alley with nothing to offer this thread, except trying to goat Gen IV owners into saying that they overspend for mods?

    If you have to spend extra $$$ to have people install parts for you, or handle your maintanance than that is part of your own economic decision making process. I don't so for me it's simply the cost of parts.

    Outside of nitrous how much would it cost you to get to 600rwhp with your Gen II, Gen III, or Gen V if you own one? Although its not about the cheap route it's about the most reliable and tested route for me. Why not run a manifold that the factory designed that adds more HP, cuts weight, and dissipates heat better while lowering the center of gravity of the car even if it's only a little. Why not also run headers or exhaust systems that have hours upon hours of on track testing in the ACRX race cars?

    Seems like a no brainer to me.

    As for wanting a Gen V, the only Gen V faster around the race track than an ACR so far is the Viper TA, and even then by a marginal margin. I'll wait until the next ACR comes out to move to a Gen V because the little money spent on the Gen IV ACR will allow it to go faster than the Gen V TA until the new ACR debuts.

    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post
    Sorry for my asking this question, but, I am not mechanically inclined or follow a lot of this as it is all Greek to me.

    From what I am gathering, for most, unless your doing this at home in your garage, you would have to spend what? Say 5K to build this or more. The power gains were only 30 Hp?
    Again, I am not following this and would appreciate an update. I wouldn't mind dong this to my 08 if it is worth it, But, if the gains are even 50HP, would it justify spending all that money for that mere gain when you could get yourself into a gen 5 for mere thousands more? Just asking. I understand putting colossal amounts of money into a Gen 2 and getting a car that outperforms for a lot less, but, putting money into an 08 ACR that you could sell and for a few thousand more minus the money invested with this build you could be into a gen 5 no? I know in the end its personal preference.

    Great build by the way. It must make you proud and accomplished doing this yourself. Gains you a lot of respect among us for sharing I'm sure.

  2. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACRucrazy View Post
    40hp and 50 foot pounds to the tire NA in this case with simple bolt ons.

    How many NA gen III or II are running around with 600 to the tire for 5k?
    Not many, but to their defence you can get one for 40K where as the cheapest gen 4 would cost you @55K and an ACR would start at mid 70's. That's a 30 K swing in this case. I would think you could get well over 600RWHP with only 12K SC on a gen 2 no? The 5K your stating is on top of the money spent for the car making it closer to 80K for an 08 ACR never mind an 09 or 10 which reaches 13, 14 Viper territory no?
    Again its all in what your personal taste is and how much is in your bank account.

    Is it only 5K though...that is if your doing it yourself. how much to get that RWHP if you had to get it done by a Viper shop, is it worth it then?

  3. #128
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    Great build by the way. It must make you proud and accomplished doing this yourself. Gains you a lot of respect among us for sharing I'm sure.

    And that above is creepy and weird. This thread is and was a technical discussion about the benefit of using either the ported Gen IV manifold or a stock Gen V manifold and the characteristics of the composites on track performance compared to our current options.

    Not unsimilar to discussing Gen III heads and intake on a Gen II Heads and Cam combo.

  4. #129
    The ACR argument is a moot point. You can find gen IVs in the 50s if you look. Ive even seen a few in the high 40s. Comparing a top of the line Gen IV ACR price to a decade older Gen II is apple's to oranges.

    I never understood these $$$ arguements. For less than a Gen II I can go find a fox body mustang or a LS powered truck throw some $$ at it and have more power for less than the price of admission of a ratted out Viper.
    Last edited by ACRucrazy; 12-30-2013 at 12:46 AM.

  5. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    So you come trolling from the Alley with nothing to offer this thread, except trying to goat Gen IV owners into saying that they overspend for mods?

    If you have to spend extra $$$ to have people install parts for you, or handle your maintanance than that is part of your own economic decision making process. I don't so for me it's simply the cost of parts.

    Outside of nitrous how much would it cost you to get to 600rwhp with your Gen II, Gen III, or Gen V if you own one? Although its not about the cheap route it's about the most reliable and tested route for me. Why not run a manifold that the factory designed that adds more HP, cuts weight, and dissipates heat better while lowering the center of gravity of the car even if it's only a little. Why not also run headers or exhaust systems that have hours upon hours of on track testing in the ACRX race cars?

    Seems like a no brainer to me.

    As for wanting a Gen V, the only Gen V faster around the race track than an ACR so far is the Viper TA, and even then by a marginal margin. I'll wait until the next ACR comes out to move to a Gen V because the little money spent on the Gen IV ACR will allow it to go faster than the Gen V TA until the new ACR debuts.
    The alley is full of trolls, its known for that. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    As for your remarks as me trying to Goat gen 4 owners....ahhm!!...I am a gen 4 owner, That is why I am asking if it is feasible for what your doing if I had to get a shop to do it for me. You gotta start reading the posts Flat, Not just making self applied comments.
    I was merely asking as a Potential Gen 4 owner. Is this not why your posting results here and info? What other motive would you have? Am I not allowed to ask for advice? If we can't comment on your thread without getting Neg Rep, why else would you post this build. Come on.

    So I thank you for your reply as It answered my question. It looks like it is not worth spending the money if done by a shop.

  6. #131
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    Ok well if that's your argument lets pull out the tried and true fox body mustang analogy lol.

    Didn't turn out to well in this comparo:

    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post
    Not many, but to their defence you can get one for 40K where as the cheapest gen 4 would cost you @55K and an ACR would start at mid 70's. That's a 30 K swing in this case. I would think you could get well over 600RWHP with only 12K SC on a gen 2 no? The 5K your stating is on top of the money spent for the car making it closer to 80K for an 08 ACR never mind an 09 or 10 which reaches 13, 14 Viper territory no?
    Again its all in what your personal taste is and how much is in your bank account.

    Is it only 5K though...that is if your doing it yourself. how much to get that RWHP if you had to get it done by a Viper shop, is it worth it then?

  7. #132
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    Well if you don't know how to work on your cars it doesn't really matter at all, as anything you will have done will cost you extra.

    Are you asking me if there is a cheaper way for you to add 50rwp to your gen IV if you don't have the experience to do it yourself?

    The answer to that is no, and that would apply across the board gen 1-5. A header or intake install will cost you roughly the same amount on each platform.

    I'm trying to follow your logic, one second your talking about buying a cheap Gen II and spending large sums, and the next your talking about a Gen IV you want to mod.

    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post
    The alley is full of trolls, its known for that. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    As for your remarks as me trying to Goat gen 4 owners....ahhm!!...I am a gen 4 owner, That is why I am asking if it is feasible for what your doing if I had to get a shop to do it for me. You gotta start reading the posts Flat, Not just making self applied comments.
    I was merely asking as a Potential Gen 4 owner. Is this not why your posting results here and info? What other motive would you have? Am I not allowed to ask for advice? If we can't comment on your thread without getting Neg Rep, why else would you post this build. Come on.

    So I thank you for your reply as It answered my question. It looks like it is not worth spending the money if done by a shop.
    Last edited by FLATOUT; 12-30-2013 at 12:50 AM.

  8. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Ok well if that's your argument lets pull out the tried and true fox body mustang analogy lol.

    Didn't turn out to well in this comparo:
    As per your quote" I don't think we see eye to eye and that may be a good thing"

    Not getting what your pointing at getting off topic from this thread.

    got my answer thanks

  9. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Well if you don't know how to work on your cars it doesn't really matter at all, as anything you will have done will cost you extra.

    Are you asking me if there is a cheaper way for you to add 50rwp to your gen IV if you don't have the experience to do it yourself?

    The answer to that is no, and that would apply across the board gen 1-5. A header or intake install will cost you roughly the same amount on each platform.

    I'm trying to follow your logic, one second your talking about buying a cheap Gen II and spending large sums, and the next your talking about a Gen IV you want to mod.

    ^^^^^That's because I have one of each and can't decide which way to go ( tough situation to be in), the other is I am thinking of dropping this all together and just getting into a 2010 ACR and calling it a day.

  10. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post

    ^^^^^That's because I have one of each and can't decide which way to go ( tough situation to be in), the other is I am thinking of dropping this all together and just getting into a 2010 ACR and calling it a day.
    You can get into a Gen IV ACR for 70-75k. You can get into a Gen V for 100k+. That is significantly more than 5k. Headers and intake on a Gen IV and you are faster and making more power than a Gen V. For me, the looks of a Gen IV ACR are so far above the looks of the Gen V that even if they were the same price, I'd still buy the Gen IV ACR. The only category the Gen V significantly improves over the Gen IV ACR is interior quality...that is of no significance to me...I'd buy a Porsche or Audi if I wanted a nice interior.

  11. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by slitherv10 View Post

    ^^^^^That's because I have one of each and can't decide which way to go ( tough situation to be in), the other is I am thinking of dropping this all together and just getting into a 2010 ACR and calling it a day.
    Why don't you start a new thread so people can help you with your decision. This thread is about adapting the 2013 manifold to a 2008/2010 model car.

    Hijack another thread or start your own.

  12. #137
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    Ron I am very interested in your before and after dyno's as long as they are on the same dyno. Really appreciate you getting some before and after numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by IndyRon View Post
    You can get into a Gen IV ACR for 70-75k. You can get into a Gen V for 100k+. That is significantly more than 5k. Headers and intake on a Gen IV and you are faster and making more power than a Gen V. For me, the looks of a Gen IV ACR are so far above the looks of the Gen V that even if they were the same price, I'd still buy the Gen IV ACR. The only category the Gen V significantly improves over the Gen IV ACR is interior quality...that is of no significance to me...I'd buy a Porsche or Audi if I wanted a nice interior.

  13. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndyRon View Post
    You can get into a Gen IV ACR for 70-75k. You can get into a Gen V for 100k+. That is significantly more than 5k. Headers and intake on a Gen IV and you are faster and making more power than a Gen V. For me, the looks of a Gen IV ACR are so far above the looks of the Gen V that even if they were the same price, I'd still buy the Gen IV ACR. The only category the Gen V significantly improves over the Gen IV ACR is interior quality...that is of no significance to me...I'd buy a Porsche or Audi if I wanted a nice interior.
    Well said IndyRon.

    To comment on the modding the cars yourself vs getting a shop or Viper tech to do it as asked by the new Alley troll. It depends on your comfort level. Andy helped me do the intake swap at his place in about 3 hrs. I have never done one so it was a great confidence booster for working on these cars. Figure it would have been $300 to 400$ in labor at a shop. Instead I learned more about my car. And the almost 20 rwhp gained in the 4000 to 5800 rpm range couldn't be in a more usable place for an ACR that's going to see some track days and time trials.

  14. #139
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    lets try to keep the smack talk out of this area...please ?

  15. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Ron I am very interested in your before and after dyno's as long as they are on the same dyno. Really appreciate you getting some before and after numbers.
    Andy, I'll do just that. I am very interested in technical comparisons and data by nature so I keep a copy of winpep on my computer at home and download all my dyno runs to compare. I'll also measure DA, temp, humidity on the runs as well. The Viper community is lacking on this type of raw data comparisons and I'm hoping to contribute to it positively for those folks who enjoy upgrading/modifying their cars.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter View Post
    Well said IndyRon.

    To comment on the modding the cars yourself vs getting a shop or Viper tech to do it as asked by the new Alley troll. It depends on your comfort level. Andy helped me do the intake swap at his place in about 3 hrs. I have never done one so it was a great confidence booster for working on these cars. Figure it would have been $300 to 400$ in labor at a shop. Instead I learned more about my car. And the almost 20 rwhp gained in the 4000 to 5800 rpm range couldn't be in a more usable place for an ACR that's going to see some track days and time trials.
    Shooter, I spoke with Andy a while back about his perception on the driveability and power with the new intake. What are your thoughts? You still running a stock PCM? Thanks.

  16. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndyRon View Post

    Shooter, I spoke with Andy a while back about his perception on the driveability and power with the new intake. What are your thoughts? You still running a stock PCM? Thanks.
    Yes I'm running the stock PCM. The car idles better and pulls much harder to redline. I dyno'd 562 rwhp stock so I am looking forward to what the gains will be. Like was noted with Andy's car, I expect to see more of a usable hp increase through the range as opposed to a big (ish) peak hp gain. I want to go as far as I can without the Mopar PCM. Hopefully some other tuning options will be available for us Gen IV (and V) owners this year. I would rather spend $1500-$2000 and be able to tune like the Gen III guy's, then drop $1100 on a Mopar PCM that is untunable just so I can run headers.

  17. #142
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    Good deal I think as long as we post everything SAE corrected we should have good comparable data. For instance my car made 613rwhp un corrected on the 602 SAE run.

    Glad you have win pep I have a Mac and I have a problem downloading the .drf files so I emailed them to Dyno jet to convert and resend lol. Next time I'll email them to you .

    Quote Originally Posted by IndyRon View Post
    Andy, I'll do just that. I am very interested in technical comparisons and data by nature so I keep a copy of winpep on my computer at home and download all my dyno runs to compare. I'll also measure DA, temp, humidity on the runs as well. The Viper community is lacking on this type of raw data comparisons and I'm hoping to contribute to it positively for those folks who enjoy upgrading/modifying their cars.

    Shooter, I spoke with Andy a while back about his perception on the driveability and power with the new intake. What are your thoughts? You still running a stock PCM? Thanks.

  18. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Why don't you start a new thread so people can help you with your decision. This thread is about adapting the 2013 manifold to a 2008/2010 model car.

    Hijack another thread or start your own.
    you don't seem to read too well. I have a Gen 4...I have an 08...I am looking at maybe going this route if it is feasible to do so if I decide to get a shop to do it for me as I am not mechanically inclined. Do you understand it in plain English guy. I am not high jacking anyones thread here, I am looking for information regarding this build. God man your dense.

  19. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter View Post
    Well said IndyRon.

    To comment on the modding the cars yourself vs getting a shop or Viper tech to do it as asked by the new Alley troll. It depends on your comfort level. Andy helped me do the intake swap at his place in about 3 hrs. I have never done one so it was a great confidence booster for working on these cars. Figure it would have been $300 to 400$ in labor at a shop. Instead I learned more about my car. And the almost 20 rwhp gained in the 4000 to 5800 rpm range couldn't be in a more usable place for an ACR that's going to see some track days and time trials.
    Well again, I quote again " If the heats too hot, stay out of the kitchen!,,,i thought the Alley was where trolls roll.

    On another note, Thanks for the information. For the mere gains it looks like it may be worth the swap, as Indy also noted, it well worth the money for the difference in dineros. Your analogy of where you gain the HP is of interest here. Makes a lot of sense to improve what it already has or hasn't in this case. Why touch the rest of the build of the car when all you need is to get gains where the factory missed them.
    Thank for putting that into perspective Shooter. I am not very mechanically inclined and posting with questions on these threads has been great for my mechanical end that , I from factory build am missing as a human. Hey...I made a funny

  20. #145
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plumcrazy View Post
    lets try to keep the smack talk out of this area...please ?
    HA Plum! How about keep smack talk off the forums period!

    Looks great Flatout!
    I think this is a great mod for a Gen IV... There's more to it than just HP according to the SRT engineers... If I remember correctly the Gen V intake was around $1,300. A 7 pound instant diet!

    This change would also result in about a 10 horsepower improvement with added low and mid-range torque. You would also save 7 pounds of weight and get the added thermal benefits of the composite (compared to the Gen IV aluminum) material.

  21. #146
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    Yep, easy mod with multiple benefits. You can pick these up from Jon B for closer to $1,000 if that helps anyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Viper Girl View Post
    HA Plum! How about keep smack talk off the forums period!

    Looks great Flatout!
    I think this is a great mod for a Gen IV... There's more to it than just HP according to the SRT engineers... If I remember correctly the Gen V intake was around $1,300. A 7 pound instant diet!

    This change would also result in about a 10 horsepower improvement with added low and mid-range torque. You would also save 7 pounds of weight and get the added thermal benefits of the composite (compared to the Gen IV aluminum) material.

  22. #147
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    Looking forward to seeing the dyno numbers Will be interesting to see who will hit 675 Rear wheel Horsepower in either a Gen 3,4 or 5 .

  23. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by J TNT View Post
    Looking forward to seeing the dyno numbers Will be interesting to see who will hit 675 Rear wheel Horsepower in either a Gen 3,4 or 5 .
    Might be able to do it with a solid roller setup in a gen III. If we can't tune a Gen IV or use a big cam option I think it will be tough for a Gen IV to get over 640-650rwhp.

  24. #149
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    God I love this thread! Makes me want to mod the car more!

  25. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    Might be able to do it with a solid roller setup in a gen III. If we can't tune a Gen IV or use a big cam option I think it will be tough for a Gen IV to get over 640-650rwhp.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but, would the Gen5 intake, heads, or gen4 polished and ported heads, exhaust, mopar pcm, filters and tubes along with some fine tuning get you more than 650 RW?

    I thought Dan or someone to that extent had corrected me in a thread ( I thought it was this one) that it is possible to get close to 700 RW with a gen 4 with those mods. Close is the word here.

    maybe Dan can chime in and remind me or you may be able to help me in this regard.

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