We care about you guys, all of you.
We care about you guys, all of you.
Prayers and well wishes for a full recovery .... sending daily.
Prayers still headed yalls way.
My apologies for the delay in updating the forum. Chip is presently still in the hospital but making great progress. He's been up and walking a few times, with the helmet and w/ nurses help. He has not lost his memory, Thank GOD !! Also, has full function of all limbs and eating on his own, and talking as much as possible. He unfortunately does have right eye damage, not sure yet but a good possibility he will loose all vision in that eye. Also, no right bone flap for the next couple months. Its going to be a rough and long recovery but that's ok, he has a lot of family to help see him through it. Thank all of you so much for your support and prayers. GOD BLESS
Glad to read he is making so much progress! Continued prayers to Chip
Use the Report a post feature... It works!
Continued prayers for his successful recovery. All the best to you all during this time.
Janni called me a smartass.......I feel honored and humbled.......
Ron Wasserman, Jerome Sparich, Normand Chouinard, Paul Mumford, Chase the wind, feel the turn,
Thanks for the Update Mike! Glad to hear things are moving forward with his recovery. Keep us in the loop!
Great to hear such progress Mike! Prayers and best wishes to Chip and the rest of yall's family...
Thanks for the update Mike. I will continue to send prayers your way.
that's awesome......great to hear that
Great news Mike, it sounds like he has come a long way but has miles to go yet. We will continue to keep him and your family in our prayers.
Omg, prayer DOES work! I am so happy for him!
Hello friends
My apologies for the delay in my reply and not keeping all you guys up to date with the progress of my nephew Chip. I'll try to make it short. He went in last week and had the bone flap put back in (right side skull) as it was very much needed due to the pressure of the scalp lying on the brain had caused him to loose use of his left hand and the left leg was starting to act up as well. Now, not even a full week later he can move his fingers a little and seems to walk without a limp. he still suffers from some loss of hearing, also vision of the right eye has yet to come back. With all that said, it's still truly a miracle that he has made it through all of it, although, It's not anywhere close to being over though for Chip but does seem to be moving forward in the right direction, majority of the time. Thankfully... Thank all of you for your continued support and prayers and will give an update as soon as possible. Thanks again !!!!!
Thanks Mike, I'm thrilled to hear he is making progress albeit slow but as they say slow and steady wins the race . . . not sure if that's true most of the time but I think it is certainly applicable in Chip's case.
I agree with Andy - we'd love to include him in an event when he's up to it.
That's great news!!!!
Glad Chip is doing better. Just had a buddy go through hell with a severe head injury in his family. Not an easy thing.
All this did get me prompted to buy an Autoform roll bar for my vert.
Great news for sure.
Good news indeed, let us know if we can do anything.
So glad to see chip has pulled through, keep us updated.