engine surging, mostly 5th gear; supercharged, running boost juice. 99 gts..... check engine light on. couple of times at idle, rpm up/dowm 200-250 rpm. throttle up, goes away. any ideas?
engine surging, mostly 5th gear; supercharged, running boost juice. 99 gts..... check engine light on. couple of times at idle, rpm up/dowm 200-250 rpm. throttle up, goes away. any ideas?
I'm getting that on my Gen II -- Vacuum leak?
What type of blower? What are you using to tune it?
sheppard here, thanks for reply; Procharger F1. dyno at friends shop in phoenix, az. mix my own juice--- methanol 55 (50%) windshield washer fluid -20*(50%).
will check vacuum, although it seems to occur only while cruising and in 5th gear mostly.
What codes are thrown with the CEL?
So it happens only while cruising and not at WOT? Meth mix should not really be an issue since it's probably set to come on under boost. Need the CEL code.
are you referring to boost juice mix? just today got snow juice at local performance shop-- just started to stock; as for my mix, i got the recipe from friends, they have been mixing same for years with no problems. as for tuning, i picked up car last october set up, good to go. friend checked all on his dyno and stated all was excellent. i am currently exploring who may tune vipers in phoenix area. i do not have equipment to tune myself other than a MatcoTools quick scan MD9001. so i am reading up on what i need for viper; checking Roe for proper equipment at this time. if i use the md9001 to clear check engine light it tells me its the cats, i am looking into that right now. thanks for reply
correct, runs excellent WOT. at this point, i guess i will take car to SNAKEDOC(eddie martin- maeham motorsports) eddie is club member and viper tech down in phoenix- now at Airpark dealership in Phoenix. i am sure problem will be resolved.
Hey Gabby, Let us know what you find out.
hi barry, may have figured out surging--- think i got bad gas on monument valley run; problem started between lake powell and monument valley. just cleaned tank out and found water and what could be diesel fuel(oil). fresh fuel and runs great now. still plan to visit eddie soon. thanks for NVE-1 info.
Hi Gab, Glad you figured out the cause of the surging. Snakes don't take kindly to water or diesel fuel. I would keep running her to make sure the problem doesn't start again. You sure don't want any problems on the trip to Detroit. Certainly wouldn't hurt to have Eddie look at it.
sorry --late response; cel reads P0420/432. so, figure with no cats should read same, have set of simulator sims in route. also found bad gas- clean tank etc, some improvement but won't know real results until i install sims shortly.