Well I have to vent. I drove my GTS to work today for the first time this year. (I only take it to work a few times each year) . On my way home driving through the Delaware water gap park (route 209). I come up behind a some clapped out subaru out back with some woman driving window open arm hanging out. Now she is erratic with her speed. Below the speed limit, up to the speed and back down again . After 2 miles of this, I come to a straight section with a good line of sight.
I down shifted to 3rd rolled into the throttle to pass her, well apparently this woman decided I didn't have the right to pass . This fucking asshole deliberately drives her car over into the other lane to block me nearly clipping the front of my car and forcing me over to the shoulder. So now I'm in a full fucking rage because I can't risk another pass and i see her laughing in her side view mirror. Well we come to a four way inter section and catch the red light. I yanked up the E-brake handle, unbuckle the belt and as I reach for the door handle the voice of reason goes off saying " you have to get the kids off the school bus" . So I reluctantly gave this fucktard a pass , made a turn at the intersection and took a different route home.

Now can someone tell me what is the thought process behind someone not letting another car pass them? If someone is driving faster than me (which is rare) I let them go, because if your passing me you must really have to get some where. Im still bothered by this, because 10 years ago (before having kids) I would have made the other choice. Gotten out of the car and left the other person bleeding in the street. I hope she tries this to someone else and ends up in the woods in the process . Why am I sitting here 2nd guessing my decision?