So I've had a pretty crappy week, it's just been aggravating at work and I couldn't wait for the weekend.
This morning I took the Magnum for inspection, it passed. Grabbed some new oil and a filter and had that changed. Today's the only day for me to do it before I head to Moparpalooza at the end of the month since I work the next two Saturdays. So I'm good to go.
I pull out of the service center and decided to make a right to head home since traffic was awful trying to go left. I make the sharp right, look in the rearview and what do I see? A red 01' RT/10. Hardtop, tints, MGW bits.
I should make a U-Turn. I've seen thousands of Vipers, I don't need to see it. I've driven four! Go home Ron, just go home.
I made a U-Turn. Couldn't resist. Needed to see it.
Now I'm like crap, where'd it go?! Sitting at the light to rt. 1 south I see it as I crest over the uphill. The rest you can imagine, let's just say we broke in the new oil and EVERYTHING that I went through this past week, means nothing after that. I needed that bit of fun.