How to Fix Sagging Pockets (and remove headliner) - Gen II GTS
This is a dual purpose “How-To.” The main point of this is to show anyone how they can remove and restore the crappy sagging mesh pockets in your Gen II Viper. A significant component of that, which I found didn’t have a great “How-To” is removing the headliner. SO I’ve included that in the title so it’s more easily searchable.
I’ll be including details for both the overhead pockets as well as the rear center console pocket. The basic overview here is as follows:
- Remove the seats, center console, and necessary trim
- Remove the pocket bucket from the rear center console
- Drop the headliner
- Remove the speed nuts on the pocket wire frame from headliner and pocket bucket
- Either replace with new mesh pocket frames from Mopar, or remove ratty elastic and replace with fresh new elastic
- Reverse order – put everything back together.
So – here we go:
1. First thing is to remove the seats – 4 bolts, pretty standard. The seat belt guides up by your shoulder come out with size 20 torx screws I believe. I removed them from the seat and left them on the belt. We won’t be removing the belts from the car.
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2. Next step will be to remove the center console. I’m not going to do a step by step of this one as it’d be somewhat redundant given there is a bunch of info on it. This is a great video reference if you’re not familiar with how it comes out: Short version is remove the face plate around the radio, unhook controls from behind, remove shift knob, remove 4 screws from center console, lift off with e-brake in fully upright position. Most important thing is to go slowly and be careful – it’s easy to scuff the dash on this part.
3. Finally – remove the 4 screws holding the rear center console piece to the back wall. The large grommets tend to stick to the plastic, but aren’t actually permanently attached (2 screws behind each seat).
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Next, you’ll need to remove the interior trim pieces that start up in the corners by your head and go back into the trunk area. This is a multistep process:
4. Start by opening your hatch glass and propping it up in its fully upright position. I used an extendable painters pole and taped it to the latch so the pole wouldn’t slip out while I was working – the reason we’re doing this is that we now need to remove the bottom of the window struts: Using a small flat blade screwdriver, simply pry up gently on the spring clip which holds the bottom of the of the strut to the ball receiver. You can either pry up just enough to then pull the bottom away, or you can remove the clip entirely and the strut just slips off. On the driver’s side, there is a wire that goes through the hole and clips behind the trim piece – we’ll unhook that in a minute.
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5. Next step is to pull back the weather stripping along the sides of the hatch - just gently pull and it will come away cleanly. Eventually you’ll need to do this along the top edge as well, so you can do that now too. Behind the glass hinges is a bit tight, don’t worry about getting it all the way out in those spots.
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