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  1. #1

    Homecoming Caravan Details

    I am in the process of putting together a caravan for the Pa/WV region to Detroit. We have 19 members going. I will be sending out an email directly to the registered members today about organizing the run across Pa.

    So if you are interested in joining the caravan, email me at

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Close to Columbus OH-IO
    I can't attend the actual event, had a commitment on that Saturday. However, I'm thinking of joining a caravan somewhere/somehow on Thur and/or Fri depending on what develops. As long as I'm back by 7:00 am Saturday, all is good. I think some others might be up for this as well.

  3. #3
    Our plan is run across Route 80 and stay in the Cleveland Area Thursday. We when then drive from there to Toledo to meet up with the Ohio Club and the other caravan coming north from Dayton Ohio. Randall is working on a meeting place in Toledo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Green, oHIo
    Quote Originally Posted by mkviper96 View Post
    Our plan is run across Route 80 and stay in the Cleveland Area Thursday. We when then drive from there to Toledo to meet up with the Ohio Club and the other caravan coming north from Dayton Ohio. Randall is working on a meeting place in Toledo.
    I might just meet up with you guys in Cleveland then. It's just north of me.

    Here is the stuff Randall is working on...

    NVE 1 Caravan to CAAP - Dayton to Detroit

  5. #5
    If you know of any hotels close to Route 80 please let me know. I do not want to drive north to go to Cleveland. Obviously it should be in a safe area. It could be past Cleveland also a little ways. I know Cleveland to Toledo is around 115 miles. Dayton to Toledo is 150 miles. So if Friday we leave the same time as Randall we should be in Toldeo waiting for Randall. I do not want to hold him up.

  6. #6
    So far we are meeting at the McDonalds at the intersection of Route 80 and Northeast Extension (Route 476) at 8:30 and leaving at 9am sharp. This is exit 277 on Route 80 in the Pocono's. We will have lunch in Clarion which is exit 62 on Route 80. This is about 210 miles. I am working with Janey from the Ohio Club to get a block of rooms along Route 80 between Cleveland and Toledo. We will then drive to Toledo to meet the caravan. I am working right now with Janey on the details. We 19 members going to homecoming. We have 11 cars meeting at the Pocono location to drive out on July 17, 2014. I have asked Janey for a block of 20 rooms. We need 15 rooms plus one member from Ohio may stay with us leaving 4 rooms. If you guys want to join us I can add rooms but now is the time to let me know. We have been finding a lot of booked hotels along Route 80 during that night.

  7. #7
    This is where we will be staying Thursday Night. Should be arriving around 5-6pm.

    East Caravan....
    Holiday Inn Express and Suites North Fremont
    1501 Hospitality Court
    Fremont, OH 43420

    Room Rate: King ~ $129.00 plus tax
    2 Queen Beds $120.40 plux tax

    Cut off date for reservations ~ Thursday ~ June 26, 2014

  8. #8
    I'll meet up with you gents in Clarion for lunch. I can be in that area that day for business.

  9. #9
    Well today is the day we start our journey. We have 14 Vipers meeting in the Pocono's this morning. By the time we join the Ohio caravan to Conner we will have 25 Vipers.

  10. #10
    Very cool! Better be a ton of pics next week!



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