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  1. #101
    Viper might be on more solid footing than we think.

    No matter what his title is, Ralph, like many of us will always have his heart in Viper.

    The Conner assembly plant is already freshened up, and can build Vipers very efficiently, with little volume necessary to break even.

    The workers are already trained, and have proven that they can put out well assembled cars, and attain high quality standards.

    Viper has a well respected management and design team that has produced a world class sports car.

    Viper is doing pretty well in Motorsports. They have cars already out on the tracks, and seem to be pretty durable and fast. They get lots of TV and print exposure.

    Support clubs are already in place, and cost the manufacturer very little to maintain.

    Chrysler/Dodge is in need of a HALO car, and Viper currently is their only option.

    Dropping Viper would make Dodge no additional profits, and would be throwing away a huge asset. They need a place to try out new technology, and Viper is the perfect facility for this.

    The Connor plant is relatively small, and might have very limited production value for other car lines.

    The could offer an entry level Viper with less equipment, and perhaps gain additional volume.

    They could easily release a Convertible. This could go down the same assembly line, with the same workers, and add inexpensive additional volume.

    They could fire up a 2nd assembly line to produce a new, limited volume Fiat, or Alpha. Like the Prowler, it could be made in the same Plant and add additional efficiencies of volume.

    With over 20 years of Dodge Heritage, the Viper could once again lead the way as an aspirational vehicle that kids will want posted on their walls.

  2. #102
    Perhaps "SRT" does need a "Viper Lite" but I think making it look like a Viper and calling it a Viper is a huge mistake.
    So, basically the Challenger.

    Viper is a Dodge. It was a brief experiment with calling it an SRT, but everyone still knew it was a Dodge. I think the attempted name change was to attract "snooty" foreign performance car owners that turned up their noses at a mere Dodge. I'm proud it's a Dodge and that it comes directly from the long line of Dodge performance cars.

    Long live the DODGE Viper!

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Toronto, ON
    Turning Dodge into a "performance" brand seems silly. I guess they got rid of SRT because it would have been a bit redundant. Dodge should be a mass market car, Chrysler should be a premium car/entry level luxury...not mass market.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Sturtevant, Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by VRYALT3R3D View Post
    Turning Dodge into a "performance" brand seems silly. I guess they got rid of SRT because it would have been a bit redundant. Dodge should be a mass market car, Chrysler should be a premium car/entry level luxury...not mass market.
    It was said years ago that Dodge was to be the 'excitement' brand. SUV's are exciting, they represent utility and adventure, but not fast; perfect for dodge. Well, speed is part of excitement and now SRT is part of Dodge.

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